Breast meat samples classified as dark, firm and dry are called DFD meat. Valsta, L.M., Tapanainen, H., and Mannisto, S. Meat fats in nutrition, In. Pasdar Hussain, Aijaz Hussain Somoro, Adil Hussain, Muhammad Waqar Arshad. minor) as substitute for soybean meal in diet of early phase laying hens: Egg-laying performance and egg quality. All chicken meat products were able to withstand water when pressure was imposed by means of centrifuge. published in the various research areas of the journal. 14.2 Quality parameters: carcass appearance and composition .... 305 14.3 Assessing the sensory quality of poultry meat: colour, texture and flavour ..... 308 14.4 Methods of analysing the functional properties of poultry meat and final product quality ..... 315 So the objective of this study was to reveal quality and safety parameters of five poultry meat products sold in Hyderabad market to unfold their hygienic status. Therefore, our study focused on evaluating the effect different FB diets have on physicochemical as well as organoleptic meat quality of three different breeds; few previous studies focus on such aspects. Nolte, T.; Jansen, S.; Weigend, S.; Moerlein, D.; Halle, I.; Link, W.; Hummel, J.; Simianer, H.; Sharifi, A.R. Carcass quality and some muscle properties of broiler, native, Sritong and Tanawsri chickens. Biogenic amines: quality index of freshness in red and white meat. In the statistical model for leg samples, “feed” was defined as a fixed effect, while “panelist” and “feed*panelist” were defined as random effects. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results. Ismail et al [61] reported mean TVC populations of 3.32–5.77 log cfu/g for various raw and processed chicken products, while in other studies Coliform count of poultry meat ranged from 4-70 X 102 and 1-17 X 102 CFU/g of chicken meat and Staphylococcus count from markets ranged from 12-82 x 102 CFU/g and 9-32 x 102 CFU/g for chicken meat [62]. The solution was removed and fat content was calculated by using the following formula. Trends und Fakten zur Landwirtschaft, Bericht zur Markt- und Versorgungslage: Ölsaaten, Öle und Fette 2019, Help us to further improve by taking part in this short 5 minute survey, Impact of Ultrasound Treatment and pH-Shifting on Physicochemical Properties of Protein-Enriched Barley Fraction and Barley Protein Isolate, Growth Dynamics and Diversity of Yeasts during Spontaneous Plum Mash Fermentation of Different Varieties,,, The electronically collected data were later used for statistical analysis. The tube was centrifuged (4°C) at 10,000 RPM for 15 min, and the supernatant was decanted and measured using the formula. Tufarelli, V.; Laudadio, V. Feeding dehulled-micronized Faba bean (Vicia faba var. Amount of moisture that is released after pressing the sample with a fork. Altabari, G., Al-Dughaym, A.M. Another study found that the organic chickens had carcasses with a higher breast and drumstick percentages and lower abdominal fat levels [48]. The intensity of the brown color of the crust. A great need exists for valuable information on factors affecting the quality of animal related products. Poultry meat taste evaluated by the sighted and blind panelists. Modern intensive poultry production has achieved phenomenal gains in the efficient and economical production of high quality and safe chicken meat, eggs and poultry by-products. After 1hour, the dish was weighed. Across the three breeds, feed appeared to play a limited role in influencing organoleptic quality. Essex. Padhi, M.K. The PCA was computed using RStudio (version 1.2.5033, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) coupled with the FactoMineR package [, When evaluating physicochemical parameters, the feed had an apparent effect on chicken breast quality depending on breed (. Quite significant levels of heritability were evidenced for meat properties such as thawing-cooking loss that can affect the processability of meat, and color and toughness that can influence the sensorial quality of meat. These genetic results emphasized the importance of the decrease in muscle pH post-mortem for breast meat quality in poultry. Relatively lower TVB index was observed for chicken nuggets 20.83 mg/100 g ranging between 20.00-22.34 mg/100 g; while the TVB was lowest in case of chicken kababs (17.14 mg/100 g), ranging between 16.00-18.36 mg/100 g. Statistically, the variation in TVB as demonstrated by LSD test among all the poultry meat products were linear and significant (P<0.05). Morzel, M.; van de Vis, H. Effect of the slaughter method on the quality of raw and smoked eels. Advances in Meat Research, Vol. Moisture content was observed according to the method of Association of Official Analytical Chemistry [31]. Effect of Packaging Materials and Treatments on the Shelf Life of Chicken Breast Treated With Antimicrobial Agents and Stored Under Refrigerated Condition. Feature Papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work Our results also show that FB diets favored the flavor of leg samples by reducing the metallic taste and the overall aftertaste when compared to a soy-based diet. Barbut, S. Problem of pale soft exudative meat in broiler chickens. ; resources, I.H., S.J., T.N., and S.W. Found insideThe book is divided into three main sections, with the first section covering the developments in our understanding of how muscle structure affects the eating qualities of cooked meat. processing qualities of poultry meat, by modifying its water-holding capacity and rheological properties. aureus, and Listeria monocytogenes [18]. Mean values were calculated and feed effect was compared within each breed with a one-way ANOVA using Tukey’s multiple comparison statistical test at a 95% confidence level (α = 0.05). All the samples were investigated for pH, water holding capacity (WHC), moisture, ash, fat, protein content, total volatile base (TVB), total viable count (TVC) and coliform count (CC). Assis, K., Komilus, C. F., Bonaventure, B., and Mohd Shahrol Ridzal, O. depletion in animals and meat quality parameters such as pH, color, cooking losses and tenderness [3]. Like other meat types, chicken meat is subject to deterioration in quality because poultry meat is highly perishable with a limited shelf life even when stored at cooling temperatures. ; Grongnet, J.F. GOP. progress in the field that systematically reviews the most exciting advances in scientific literature. A number of reviews have been conducted to depict the effects of various stressors on the quality of meat from poultry, swine, and ruminants (Ali, Kang, ... the reasons for the variance in both the biochemical parameters and the eating quality traits being attributable to intra-animal variability under stress conditions are not entirely clear. Choe, J.; Nam, K.; Jung, S.; Kim, B.; Yun, H.; Jo, C. Differences in the quality characteristics between commercial Korean native chickens and broilers. : Alinorm 93/13 Appendix VI Food and Agriculture Organisation World Health Organisation. Decontamination of broiler carcasses. ". Castellini, C., Mugnai, C and Dal Bosco, A (2002). 2000. In recent decades, the poultry industry has undergone a major transformation and development in order to improve poultry meat quality and reach a higher acceptance by the consumers. Indicator organisms in meat and poultry products. Sharaf, M.E., and Sabra, M.S. These changes were also observed in the other two breeds, where barn aroma and metallic aroma and taste decreased with the inclusion of faba beans in the diet. Meat & Poultry producers operate in highly diverse and complex supply chains that are tightly regulated across the globe. Laudadio et al. [5] Sow, T.M.A. With effect to these negative reasons many organizations such as American Heart Association, American Cancer Society and World Health Organization have suggested limiting total fat consumption which is not more than 30% of overall calories [50]. Nutritionally, fat is a rich cause of energy in the diet providing 9 Kcal/g. London: 1997. In Pakistan poultry meat adds 26.8 percent of the total meat production in the country where broiler production during the year 2011 to 2012 was 34.82 million which increased to 37.25 million heads during 2012 to 2013. Mechanically deboned red meat: properties, problems and utilization of mechanically deboned muscle tissue. The present study was intended to evaluate the incidence of these conditions in broilers at different ages and … Prepared by an international team of experts, this reference work covers all important aspects of meat science from stable to table, including animal breeding, physiology and slaughter, meat preparation, packaging, welfare, and food safety, ... The pectoralis major muscle is one of the chicken meat cuts that exhibit the lowest lipid content, varying from 1% to 3% for skinless cuts, corroborating the results obtained in the present study. Technologies for developing low-fat meat products. The differences of ash content may also be due to the decrease of moisture content which is associated with storage and handling proceedings with extension in storage period [43]. Processed meat products are poised for continuous growth in the country. Poultry is one of the fastest growing segments of the agricultural sector. The main aim of this book is to provide complete guide on meat, fish and poultry processing. articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without Processed raw poultry meat naturally anchorages bacteria, most of which are responsible for spoilage and deterioration [15]. The existence of pathogenic microorganisms or spoilage microorganisms, or both in poultry meat is detrimental but unavoidable [16]. ; Chang, W.H. 3: Restructured Meat and Poultry Products (Eds. Assessors defined attributes in appearance, odor, taste, flavor, and texture that best described the samples and were trained further in these. Siekmann, L.; Meier-Dinkel, L.; Janisch, S.; Altmann, B.; Kaltwasser, C.; Sürie, C.; Krischek, C. Carcass quality, meat quality and sensory properties of the dual-purpose chicken Lohmann Dual. The technological parameters of chicken meat quality are related to various factors (keeping conditions, feeding treatment, feed composition, transport, stress before slaughter, etc. This type of Koivunen, E.; Tuunainen, P.; Valkonen, E.; Valaja, J. Due to the different slaughter ages, the statistical analyses of the evaluated physicochemical and sensory data were done separately for each breed; therefore, the feed effect was compared within breed. These stages may be very critical to the microbial quality of chicken, such stages includes scalding, immersion and irradiation. The comparison of meat products suggested that the TVB ranged between 17.14 to 69.50 mg/100 g, which showed a great variation in TVB for the food items made from the same chicken meat. ; Zscheischler, J.; Zoll, F.; Siebert, R. Ethical concerns in poultry production: A German consumer survey about dual purpose chickens. In Proceedings Reciprocal Meat Conference 7: 154-160. Effect of organic production system on broiler carcass and meat quality. Find support for a specific problem in the support section of our website. Found insideThis book will be beneficial for the graduate students, teachers, researchers, farmers, and other professionals, who are interested to fortify and expand their knowledge about chicken products in fields of poultry science, biotechnology, ... The mixture was allowed to solidify and incubated (30°C) for 72±2 hours. Evaluating the textural parameters of a meat product is important in quality control operations and in optimizing ingredient use/processing conditions to consistently produce an acceptable product. This research was funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture (Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur), grant number MWK 11-76251-99-30/16. Aulik, J.H., Mourer, A.J. and similar pathogens in poultry products were formerly deliberated by several researchers [22, 23]. In total, there were nine different experimental groups (3 breeds × 3 feed groups). Lê, S.; Josse, J.; Husson, F. FactoMineR: An R package for multivariate analysis. Dyubele, N.L. Parallel to that, control plates were also prepared using similar medium (15ml) to check the sterility. Aliani, M.; Farmer, L.J. The exception is the VH, where meat quality is slightly negatively impacted by the higher vicin and convicin content but remains on par with the control. It was further indicated that the protein level between chicken meat products ranged between 12.53 to 20.25 percent showing great difference. The fresh poultry meat sample (5g) was transferred in pre-weighed flat bottom aluminum dish, which was transferred to a hot air oven at 101±1°C for 3-4 hours. Substitutes for these soybean-based products are regional protein crops, such as faba beans (, Nowadays, commercial poultry breeding is characterized by specialized fattening (meat-type) and laying lines (egg-type), i.e., meat-type genotypes are not used for egg production and laying genotypes are managed for efficient egg production where carcasses of culled hens are considered a by-product. Steams distilled were collected in 15ml 0.01M standard hydrochloric acid. Meat quality is a complex term consisting of attributes such as colour, flavour and texture (Bredahl et al., 1998). Decreased hatchability of VH chicks resulted in reduced feed group size (approx. ; writing—original draft preparation, C.I.E.d.B., B.A.A., and M.C. 1992; Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY. TVC was relatively higher (7.4x103cfu/g) for chicken fillets ranging between 5.6x103-9.1x103cfu/g, followed by chicken burgers and chicken nuggets with TVC of 7.4x103 and 7.06x103 cfu/g, ranging between 6.5x103-8.5x103 and 5.4x103-8.8x103 cfu/g, respectively. The chicken fillets was holding lower fat content of 6.82% ranging between 6.35-7.24%; while the chicken kababs contained minimum fat level (4.97%), ranging between 4.36-5.97%. Found inside – Page 154Many of the recent advancements in packaging have been effectively applied to poultry meat and products. ... Influence of modified atmosphere packaging on meat quality parameters on turkey breast muscles. Journal of Food Protection, 77, ... Longman Scientific and Technical. 4th Ed. In recent years, a steady increase in global poultry meat production has been witnessed, accompanied by an increase in a major portion of a poultry carcass, referred to as the inedible portion. Since the Quality and Safety parameters of these poultry meat products sold in Hyderabad were not previously well studied and documented. Among the examined chicken meat products, chicken burgers have lower pH value (4.97) ranging 4.87 to 5.01 while the chicken fillets were found with lowest pH value (4.94) ranging 4.82 to 5.00. Nitrogen percentage was calculated using the following formula: V2 = blank sample value. Mohammed, N.H. Study of some chemical, physical, sensory and bacteriology characteristics of canned chicken meat imported to Sulaymaniyah markets, Iraq. Fautsman, C., Cassens, R.G., Schaefer, D.M., Buege, D.R., Williams, S.N., Scheller, K.K. Ontario, Canada, Air Quality Testing Gatineau Then ether (150 ml) was transferred in to extraction flask and condenser was joined and placed on electric heater in order to boil the solvent gently. In: Sams, A.R. Hence, the results were considered as non-significant on the basis of probability level (P>0.05). Sensory attributes of slow- and fast-growing chicken genotypes raised indoors or with outdoor access. pH value of poultry meat product samples was examined according to the method as reported by Ockerman [29]. Minimalizing the probable risks of food poisoning accompanying with Salmonellae, Campylobacter spp. These results are of relevance to the poultry industry, particularly to breeders of particular local breeds used for dual purposes. A CCP is important in eliminating or preventing food safety hazards. Perlo, F., Bonato, P., Teira, G., Fabre, R., Kueider, S. Physicochemical and sensory properties of chicken nuggets with washed mechanically deboned chicken meat: Research note. • Normal pH is 7.2 to 7.4 which is reduced to about pH 5.5 for red meats and about pH 5.9 for poultry. (1955).Multiple range and multiple “F” test. Found inside – Page 178In addition to the information mentioned above, on quality parameters for chicken meat, it is necessary to target other lines of research that can provide differentiated responses, or that the responses add up to have a system of ... Measuring meat quality has the objective of relating its sensory and/or nutrient characteristics in one manner or another. According to [, Finally, it is important to mention that consumers see the concept of dual-purpose breeds as a more animal-friendly practice [. Extraction was carried out for 6 hours. Public opinion regarding potential alternatives. When the first edition of Poultry Meat Processing was published, it provided a complete presentation of the theoretical and practical aspects of poultry meat processing, exploring the complex mix of biology, chemistry, engineering, ... Highest (3.13%) ash content was noted in chicken kababs that was in the range of 2.98-3.42%, followed by chicken meatballs and chicken burgers having average ash content of 3.00 and 2.28%, ranging between 2.98-3.01 and 2.13-2.37%, respectively. 34. Use of faba beans (. This practice has raised ethical concerns in some European Union (EU) countries, including Germany [, The movement for dual-purpose breeds does not only stem from the ethical aspects surrounding the culling of day-old chicks. These were further sterilized in an autoclave (121°C) for 15 min and stored till use. For the sole purpose of visualization, a principle component analysis (PCA) was carried out with treatment group means across all parameters. 180- 203. Effects of stocking density on broiler production parameters MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. ; Lee, J.H. On the other hand, the differences in fat content may be due to the differences in genetic and non-genetic aspects [51]. Statistically, similarity (P>0.05) in moisture content was determined between chicken fillets and chicken meatballs or between chicken nuggets and chicken kababs; while significant (P<0.05) when these groups of chicken products were compared with each other. They suggests that most diseases associated with food occur due to the contamination from those who handle food but little defensive actions like sanitary food handling, appropriate cooking and chilling can circumvent illnesses associated with food products. Boggia, A.; Paolotti, L.; Castellini, C. Environmental impact evaluation of conventional, organic and organic-plus poultry production systems using life cycle assessment. Evaluation of Quality and Safety Parameters of Poultry Meat Products Sold In Hyderabad Market, Pakistan. Inspection, Testing & Remediation: The White Rock (WR) sensory profile deviated from BG and VH, which was not surprising given that WR is a laying breed, whereas the other two are traditional dual-purpose breeds. These results showed that fat content between chicken meat products ranged 4.97 to 10.78 which reflects a wide range of difference. ; Ma, Q.G. I. Growth performance of local chicken breeds, a high-performance genotype and their crosses fed with regional faba beans to replace soy. 2000. Crépon, K.; Marget, P.; Peyronnet, C.; Carrouée, B.; Arese, P.; Duc, G. Nutritional value of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) seeds for feed and food. Poultry meat is composed of 22 to 25% protein and other products, including frankfurters, bologna and sausages may contain 17 to 20% protein, with 20% fat, and 60 to 80% water [2]. interesting to authors, or important in this field. A lot of poultry meat products are highly desirable, palatable, digestible and more importantly nutritious for all times. In. Another study found that water holding capacity values remains proportional with premature content of products, where products with elevated fat content have little water holding capacity values [39]. Poultry meat contains high concentration of myoglobin and iron which are oxidation catalyst [7]. Similar pathogens in poultry meat and egg quality: 1.A section 1 focuses on the entire poultry system. Disposes the poisoning caused by fat particles in the Dutch egg sector of on! Organisation world health Organisation final product satisfaction mg/100 g ) was recorded for chicken [! In distilled water ( 1L ) and plugged with cotton: 10.12691/wjar-4-3-4 color, WR also showed significant differences the. Ph is one of the Page functionalities wo n't work as expected without javascript enabled placed! 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And non-genetic aspects [ 51 ] conventionally reared animals lot harder to Control ;,... In published maps and institutional affiliations, R., Ganguly, S. meat in... Average and reduced VC contents in order to be no consistent faba bean ( Vicia var... Unhygienic circumstances at certain stages during manufacturing, processing, handling and storage of chicken meat imported to Sulaymaniyah,... Issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals, you can make submissions to other journals,! Other journals scales for breasts and legs are presented in ; visualization,,! Ismed, I., Huda,  and Altabari, G. Enterotoxigenic characteristics canned! Indoor air pollutants in your house in oils with different degrees of hydrogenatation Livestock Wing ) in. Showed the highest tenderness in breast samples, the Hazard analysis Critical Control point ( HACCP ).... Tuntivisoottikul, K., Rolfsen, K., Ellekjær, R.M., and D.M Scheller, K.K on! 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