$$P_{USB}=\frac{\left ( A_mA_c / 2\sqrt{2}\right )^2}{R}=\frac{{A_{m}}^{2}{A_{c}}^{2}}{8R}$$. The process of multiplexing divides a communication channel into several number of logical channels, allotting each one for a different message signal or a data stream to be transferred. Communication System Block Diagram. $$V_1\left ( t \right )=A_c\left [ 1+k_am\left ( t \right ) \right ] \cos\left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )$$, We know that the mathematical relationship between the input and the output of square law device is, $V_2\left ( t \right )=k_1V_1\left ( t \right )+k_2V_1^2\left ( t \right )$(Equation 1), $V_1\left ( t \right )$ is the input of the square law device, which is nothing but the AM wave, $V_2\left ( t \right )$ is the output of the square law device, Substitute $V_1\left ( t \right )$ in Equation 1, $$V_2\left ( t \right )=k_1\left ( A_c\left [ 1+k_am\left ( t \right ) \right ] \cos\left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )\right )+k_2\left ( A_c\left [ 1+k_am\left ( t \right ) \right ] \cos\left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )\right )^2$$, $\Rightarrow V_2\left ( t \right )=k_1A_c \cos \left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )+k_1A_ck_am\left ( t \right ) \cos \left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )+$, $k_2{A_{c}}^{2}\left [ 1+{K_{a}}^{2}m^2\left ( t \right )+2k_am\left ( t \right ) \right ]\left ( \frac{1+ \cos\left ( 4 \pi f_ct \right )}{2} \right )$, $\Rightarrow V_2\left ( t \right )=k_1A_c \cos \left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )+k_1A_ck_am\left ( t \right ) \cos \left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right)+\frac{K_2{A_{c}}^{2}}{2}+$, $\frac{K_2{A_{c}}^{2}}{2} \cos \left ( 4 \pi f_ct \right )+\frac{k_2 {A_{c}}^{2}{k_{a}}^{2}m^2\left ( t \right )}{2}+\frac{k_2 {A_{c}}^{2}{k_{a}}^{2}m^2\left ( t \right )}{2} \cos\left ( 4 \pi f_ct \right )+$, $k_2{A_{c}}^{2}k_am\left ( t \right )+k_2{A_{c}}^{2}k_am\left ( t \right )\cos \left ( 4 \pi f_ct \right )$. The modulating signal $m\left ( t \right )$ and carrier signal $A_c \cos \left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )$ are applied as inputs to the product modulator. In this figure, the values are stated separately. $$\theta _i\left ( t \right )=2 \pi\int \left ( f_c+k_f m\left ( t \right ) \right )dt$$, $\Rightarrow \theta _i\left ( t \right )=2 \pi f_ct+2 \pi k_f\int m\left ( t \right )dt$. The production of IF helps in the demodulation of any station signal having any carrier frequency. 3. Using PCM, it is possible to digitize all forms of analog data, including full-motion video, voices, music, telemetry, and virtual reality (VR). This combination is applied as one of the input to the product modulator. Whereas, the carrier signals $c\left ( t \right )$ is applied between the two center tapped transformers. $$P_t=\frac{{A_{c}}^{2}}{2R}+\frac{{A_{c}}^{2}{_{\mu }}^{2}}{8R}+\frac{{A_{c}}^{2}{_{\mu }}^{2}}{8R}$$, $$\Rightarrow P_t=\left ( \frac{{A_{c}}^{2}}{2R} \right )\left ( 1+\frac{\mu ^2}{4}+\frac{\mu ^2}{4} \right )$$, $$\Rightarrow P_t=P_c\left ( 1+\frac{\mu ^2}{2} \right )$$. Reduction in bandwidth when compared to AM and DSBSC waves. This frequency modulation has infinite bandwidth. The device that does multiplexing can be called as Multiplexer or MUX. Here too the scaling factor is $\frac{{A_{c}}^{2}}{4}$. As the value of the modulation index increases, the carrier experiences a 180o phase reversal, which causes additional sidebands and hence, the wave gets distorted. This method is called as Indirect Method because we are generating a wide band FM wave indirectly. Therefore, the bandwidth of AM wave is 2 KHz. If the phase of the high frequency carrier wave is varied in accordance with the instantaneous value of the modulating signal, then such a technique is called as Phase Modulation. Where $n_I \left ( t \right )$ and $n_Q \left ( t \right )$ are in phase and quadrature phase components of noise. Modularly organized, this book permits flexibility in the coverage of the three major parts: signal and system analysis, analog communication, and digital communication. Since the SSBSC modulated wave contains only one sideband, its bandwidth is half of the bandwidth of DSBSC modulated wave. Each parameter has its own formula. Multiplexer is a combinational circuit that is used to switch either analog, digital or video signals. De-multiplexers are used as serial to parallel converters. So, the power required for transmitting an AM wave is 1.5 times the carrier power for a perfect modulation. Following is a simple block diagram of a transducer. Thus, the capacitor will discharge through resistor R till the next positive half cycle of AM wave. The best way to discover useful content is by searching it. For power saving requirements and low bandwidth requirements. In the above equation, the term $k_2{A_{c}}^{2}k_am\left ( t \right )$ is the scaled version of the message signal. This SSBSC system, which transmits a single sideband has high power, as the power allotted for both the carrier and the other sideband is utilized in transmitting this Single Sideband. The communication based on analog signals and analog values is called as Analog Communication. This type of TDM is used in Asynchronous transfer mode networks. To discretize the signals, the gap between the samples should be fixed. According to the standard definition, “The amplitude of the carrier signal varies in accordance with the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal.” Which means, the amplitude of the carrier signal containing no information varies as per the amplitude of the signal containing information, at each instant. Noise is an inconvenient feature, which affects the system performance. Otherwise, the switch is closed and the output voltage is zero. Following is the block diagram of thesquare law demodulator. Moreover, in order to provide safe and faster communication. This filter has the input $p\left ( t \right )$ and the output is VSBSC modulated wave $s\left ( t \right )$. Example: Antenna. Assume, $R=1\Omega$ and substitute $A_c$ value in the above equation. Consider the following equation of amplitude modulated wave. Digital: In digital communication, . $$\left ( SNR \right )_{O,AM}= \frac {Average \:\: Power \:\: of \:\: demodulated \:\: signal }{Average \:\: Power \:\: of \:\: noise \:\: at \:\: Output}$$, $$\Rightarrow \left ( SNR \right )_{O,AM}=\frac{{A_{c}}^{2}{k_{a}}^{2}P}{2WN_0}$$. The $-90^0$ phase shifter produces an output, which has a phase lag of $-90^0$ with respect to the input. Following are the requirements of both AM and FM receiver. RF. By using those formulas, we can find the respective parameter values. If the angle of the carrier wave is varied, in accordance with the instantaneous value of the modulating signal, then such a technique is called as Angle Modulation. Thus, with the help of band pass filter, we can pass only AM wave and eliminate the remaining terms. Summer block produces an output, which is either the sum of two inputs or the difference of two inputs based on the polarity of inputs. VSB modulation is mostly used in television transmissions. This signal is then passed to high pass filter, which acts as a pre-emphasis network to filter out the noise and improve the signal to noise ratio. $s(t)=A_c\left [ 1+\left ( \frac{A_m}{A_c} \right )\cos \left ( 2\pi f_mt \right ) \right ]\cos \left ( 2\pi f_ct \right )$, $\Rightarrow s\left ( t \right ) = A_c\left [ 1 + \mu \cos \left ( 2 \pi f_m t \right ) \right ] \cos\left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )$ (Equation 2), Where, $\mu$ is Modulation index and it is equal to the ratio of $A_m$ and $A_c$. Hence, the upper sideband is used for transmission. The modulating signal $A_m \cos\left ( 2 \pi f_mt \right )$ and the carrier signal $A_c \cos\left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )$ are directly applied as inputs to the upper product modulator. Digital Modulation Technique: Block diagram of digital transmission and reception, Information capacity, Bit Rate, Baud Rate, and M-ary coding. The block diagram below simulates the acquisition of a sine wave with an amplitude of 5, which means the sine wave can contain values that range from -5 to 5. Reciprocal of the sampling period is known as sampling frequency or sampling rate $f_s$. The modulation index $\beta$ is large, i.e., higher than 1. The output of AM demodulator is nothing but the envelope of the above signal. The microphone converts these sound waves into electrical signals with the help of a diaphragm. Substitute, $\phi_i$ value in the above equation. If the wavelength increases, the frequency of the signal decreases. Therefore, Equation 3 and Equation 8 are the two formulas for Modulation index. In digital modulation, the modulation technique used is Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) where the analog signal is converted into digital form of 1s and 0s. The modulating signal $A_m \cos\left ( 2 \pi f_mt \right )$ and the carrier signal $A_c \cos\left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )$ are phase shifted by $-90^0$ before applying as inputs to the lower product modulator. Low pass filter eliminates the high frequency component and produces only the low frequency component as its output. This is the advantage of IF filter, which allows only IF frequency. A system’s operation depends on the operation of its circuits. This combination is applied as one of the input to the product modulator. Modulation is the process of changing the parameters of the carrier signal, in accordance with the instantaneous values of the modulating signal. The sample amplitude value is maintained and held in the 'hold ' block. This summer block produces an output, which is the addition of the modulating and the carrier signal. Where, ‘n’ is the multiplication factor. The following figure shows the block diagram of SSBSC modulator using frequency discrimination method. (5) Analog to Digital converters. In the above equation, the amplitude term resembles the envelope of AM wave and the angle term resembles the angle of FM wave. Hence, this modulator is called as the ring modulator. This combination is applied at the input of AM demodulator. Therefore, the bandwidth of Narrow Band FM wave is $4 KHz$. The connections are made as per the block diagram. To overcome these drawbacks, super heterodyne receiver was invented. Block diagram of digital communication system. Here, our requirement is the modulating signal $m\left ( t \right )$. In Pulse modulation, a periodic sequence of rectangular pulses, is used as a carrier wave. It is an empty signal and is used to carry the signal to the receiver after modulation. The analog signals are multiplexed according to their frequency (FDM) or wavelength (WDM). The electrical engineering curriculum in every university now includes either a one-semester or one-year course in communications theory and practice and/or communications engineering.An indispensable supplement to the standard texts used ... VCO produces an output signal $v \left ( t \right )$, whose frequency is proportional to the input signal voltage $d \left ( t \right )$. A signal which is discrete in nature or which is non-continuous in form can be termed as a Digital signal. Describe advantages of this system compared to analog communication systems. Here, the value of modulation index is greater than one. So, the maximum and minimum frequencies are $f_c+f_m$ and $f_c-f_m$ respectively. Miscellaneous noise is another type of noise which includes flicker, resistance effect and mixer generated noise, etc. The following figure shows the block diagram of FM demodulator using phase discrimination method. Block Diagram Explanation. In land, air, and maritime mobile communications. We can generate SSBSC wave using the following two methods. The input signals and the resultant mixer output is illustrated in the following figures. (4) Sample and Hold circuit . The digital inputs are d 0, d 1, d n-2, d n-1 and V a is the output Analog Voltage. The receiver always converts the modulated signal into original signal which consist of Amplifier, Oscillator, Mixer. Noise is an unwanted signal, which interferes with the original message signal and corrupts the parameters of the message signal. Therefore, frequency deviation, $\Delta f$ is $9 KHz$. The resulting signal is then passed through a Low Pass Filter. FM transmitter is the whole unit, which takes the audio signal as an input and delivers FM wave to the antenna as an output to be transmitted. Therefore, the power of FM wave is $200$ watts. The resultant signal after the process of modulation is called as a modulated signal. The carrier is a HF voltage of constant amplitude, whose . It is denoted by $\Delta f$, which is equal to the product of $k_f$ and $A_m$. The equation for instantaneous frequency $f_i$ in FM modulation is, $m\left ( t \right )$ is the message signal, We know the relationship between angular frequency $\omega_i$ and angle $\theta _i\left ( t \right )$ as, $$\omega_i=\frac{d\theta _i\left ( t \right )}{dt}$$, $\Rightarrow 2 \pi f_i=\frac{d\theta _i\left ( t \right )}{dt}$, $\Rightarrow \theta _i\left ( t \right )= 2\pi\int f_i dt$. E.g. In this chapter, let us discuss about the modulators, which generate amplitude modulated wave. Data Acquisition System with Block Diagram. What is Communication?Communication is the exchange of information between the two or more points.Electronics point of view, it is the exchange of information using the electronic device or gadget between two or more points which can be far away from each other.The Basic Block diagram of the Communication System:The communication system contains the following basic blocks:1) The Source2) Input Transducer3) Transmitter4) Channel 5) Receiver6) Output TransducerSource:The source is the origin from where the message signal is generated.The message could be voice signal, email, Television Signal, or data.Input Transducer:Using the input transducer, the message signal is converted into the electrical signal.Transmitter:The transmitter signal modifies the input signal for efficient transmission.The transmitter may contain several sub-systems like modulator, analog to digital converter, encoder, amplifier etc.Channel:The channel is the medium over which the transmitted signal is transmitted.The channel could be physical channel (e.g optical fiber, co-axial cable) or wireless channel (radio link)The channel partly behaves like a filter and, attenuates and distorts the transmitted signal.The receiver:For faithful communication, the receiver should be able to recover the message signal from the received (distorted and attenuated) signal.The receiver also contains several subsystems like, demodulator, decoder, digital to analog converter, amplifier.Output Transducer:The output of the receiver is given to the output transducer. Channel is the medium through which the message signals travel to reach the destination. Frequency allocated by FCC on 824-849 MHz for downlink and 869-894 MHz for uplink traffic. Therefore, the output of low pass filter is, $$v_0t=\frac{{A_{c}}^{2}}{2} \cos \phi m \left ( t \right )$$. Let the first and second signal frequencies be $f_1$ and $f_2$. Following is the block diagram of the coherent detector. It could be a transmitting station from where the signal is transmitted. The carrier signal $A_c \cos \left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )$ is the phase shifted by $-90^0$ to get $A_c \sin \left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )$ with the help of $-90^0$ phase shifter. The range of communication gets limited as the wave cannot travel a distance without getting distorted. $$P_{USB}=\frac{{A_{m}}^{2}{A_{c}}^{2}}{8R}$$. In this chapter, let us solve a few problems based on the concept of Frequency Modulation. A sinusoidal modulating waveform of amplitude 5 V and a frequency of 2 KHz is applied to FM generator, which has a frequency sensitivity of 40 Hz/volt. Therefore, the Figure of merit of AM receiver is less than one. For continuous-time signal x(t), which is band-limited in the frequency domain is represented as shown in the following figure. The analog switch is a standard building block of all analog-to-digital converter integrated circuits. A Cell-phone handset is basically composed of two sections, which is RF and Baseband Sections. Given, the equation of Amplitude modulated wave is, $$s\left ( t \right )=20\left [ 1+0.8 \cos\left ( 2\pi \times 10^3t \right ) \right ]\cos \left ( 4\pi \times 10^5t \right )$$, $$s\left ( t \right )=20\left [ 1+0.8 \cos\left ( 2\pi \times 10^3t \right ) \right ]\cos \left ( 2\pi \times 2 \times 10^5t \right )$$, We know the equation of Amplitude modulated wave is, $$s\left ( t \right )=A_c\left [ 1+\mu \cos\left ( 2\pi f_mt \right ) \right ]\cos\left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )$$, Amplitude of carrier signal as $A_c=20 volts$, Frequency of modulating signal as $f_m=10^3Hz=1 KHz$, Frequency of carrier signal as $f_c=2\times 10^5Hz=200KHz$, $$P_c=\frac{\left ( 20 \right )^2}{2\left ( 1 \right )}=200W$$. Hence, this process of detection is called as coherent or synchronous detection. Found insideThis practical guide helps readers to learn how to develop and implement synchronization functions in digital communication systems. Calculate the frequency deviation, modulation index, and bandwidth. The basic communication system consists of information/data transmission from one point to another like that the original/main information signal is passed through various stages and then undergoes so many changes in its orientation and features because of noise and attenuation. Following are the features of Wideband FM. Signal-to-Noise Ratio at different points can be calculated using the following formulas. In the above equation, the first term is the scaled version of the message signal. $s\left ( t \right )=\frac{A_mA_c}{2}\left \{ \cos\left [ 2 \pi\left ( f_c+f_m \right )t \right ]+\cos\left [ 2 \pi\left ( f_c-f_m \right )t \right ] \right \}-$, $\Rightarrow s\left ( t \right )=A_mA_c \cos \left [ 2 \pi\left ( f_c+f_m \right )t \right ]$. It can be observed that the positive and negative peaks of the carrier wave, are interconnected with an imaginary line. Consider the following receiver model of SSBSC system to analyze noise. This block is constructed with a microcontroller like PIC, 8051, AVR and ARM based on the requirement for controlling the application. For instance, if this value is less than 1, i.e., the modulation index is 0.5, then the modulated output would look like the following figure. Substitute, $s\left ( t \right )$ and $c\left ( t \right )$ values in the above equation. The components in the circuits, due to continuous functioning, may produce few types of noise. The local oscillator is used to generate the carrier signal. The DSBSC modulated wave has only two frequencies. The signal from the tuner output is sent to the RF-IF converter, which acts as a mixer. In this chapter, let us discuss about the transducers used in communication systems. The oscillator circuit generates a high frequency carrier, which is sent to the modulator along with the modulating signal. Communication / Pulse Modulation Block schematic of Communication System, Base Band Signals and their bandwidth requirements, RF Bands, Types and Communication Channels (Transmission Lines, Parallel Wires, Co-axial Cables, Waveguides and ... The following figure gives a detailed idea about this classification. However, practically we may not get the entire sideband frequency component. The process of extracting an original message signal from the modulated wave is known as detection or demodulation. Substitute, $s\left ( t \right )$ and $c_1\left ( t \right )$ values in the above equation. The Fourier transforms of $p\left ( t \right )$ and $s\left ( t \right )$ are $P\left ( t \right )$ and $S\left ( t \right )$ respectively. The electrical quantities such as voltage or current can be converted into physical quantities such as sound or light by using this transducer. This text is intended for a one/two-semester senior undergraduate or first-year graduate level course in analogue and digital communications. Their primary use is in the field of communications. If there are ‘n’ number of connections, then the frame is divided into ‘n’ time slots. In addition, sections on data communication and the internet, high-definition television, and fiber optics have been updated in this edition to enable readers to keep pace with the latest technological advancements. In this case, $f_1$ is greater than $f_2$. Examples are Terminal, Computer, Mainframe, etc. Such a disturbance is called as Noise. Analog Communication By using the above relations, we will get the NBFM equation as, $$s\left ( t \right )=A_c \cos\left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )-A_c \sin\left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )2 \pi k_f\int m\left ( t \right )dt$$. This e-book provides several state-of-the-art analog circuit design techniques. However, if some noise is added with FM wave in the channel, due to that the amplitude of FM wave may vary. $$s\left ( t \right )=\frac{A_mA_c}{2} \cos\left [ 2 \pi\left ( f_c-f_m \right )t \right ]$$, $$c\left ( t \right )=A_c \cos\left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )$$. The first four chapters of the text present basic principles, subsequent chapters offer ample material for flexibility in course content and level. The physical quantities such as sound or light can be converted into electrical quantities such as voltage or current by using this transducer. The daily routine of a person, if considered, consists of various types of work which take different time intervals for different tasks. Let the VSBSC wave be $s\left ( t \right )$ and the carrier signal is $A_c \cos \left ( 2 \pi f_ct \right )$. A message carrying a signal has to get transmitted over a distance and for it to establish a reliable communication, it needs to take the help of a high frequency signal which should not affect the original characteristics of the message signal. $$P_c=\frac{\left ( 50 \right )^2}{2\left ( 1 \right )}=1250W$$. Buzz sound amidst of telephone conversations. The elements of basic analog communication system are input signal or information, input transducer, transmitter, channel, Noise, Receiver, Output transducer. . The waveform for this type of PWM is denoted as (b) in the above figure. The next one is the carrier wave, which is a high frequency signal and contains no information. Substitute $s\left ( t \right )$ and $c\left ( t \right )$ values in the above equation. Such an over-modulated wave causes interference, which cannot be eliminated. In analog multiplexing, the most used technique is Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM). A modulating signal $m\left ( t \right )=10 \cos \left ( 2\pi \times 10^3 t\right )$ is amplitude modulated with a carrier signal $c\left ( t \right )=50 \cos \left ( 2\pi \times 10^5 t\right )$. When the value of AM wave is less than this value, the diode will be reverse biased. Now, let us derive one more formula for Modulation index by considering Equation 1. The modulated wave has the information only in the sidebands. An engineer's introduction to concepts, algorithms, and advancements in Digital Signal Processing. This lucidly written resource makes extensive use of real-world examples as it covers all the important design and engineering references. What are the advantages of Angle modulation over amplitude modulation? Following are the features of Narrowband FM. The AM wave $V_1\left ( t \right )$ is applied as an input to this demodulator. FM wave $s \left ( t \right )$ and the VCO output $v \left ( t \right )$ are applied as inputs of the multiplier. The term digital represents the discrete bits of information. DIT Communication System Block Diagram Source encoder converts message into message signal or bits. Amplitude limiters are used to make the amplitude of the signal constant. It is easier to multiplex speech, video and other digital data in digital communication system. In frequency modulation, the frequency of the carrier varies. When the value of AM wave is greater than the capacitor voltage, the diode conducts and the process will be repeated. Fig.1 shows the block diagram of a general communication system, in which the different functional elements are represented by blocks. Written by an award-winning communications expert, the book first takes readers through analog communications basics, amplitude modulations, analog angle modulation, and random processes. Noise affects the sensitivity of a receiver system, which eventually affects the output. If the information rate is maximum Digital modulation technique can be used because due to the digital nature of the signal, it is possible to use the advanced processing techniques such as digital signal processing, image processing, and data compression. The only difference is that in the square law modulator, the diode is operated in a non-linear mode, whereas, in the switching modulator, the diode has to operate as an ideal switch. Two center tapped transformers are used in this diagram. In this figure the different functional elements are represented by blocks. A continuous-wave goes on continuously without any intervals and it is the baseband message signal, which contains the information. Given, the amplitude of modulating signal, $A_m=5V$, Frequency of modulating signal, $f_m=2 KHz$, We know the formula for Frequency deviation as. The information source produces the information in the form of sound waves. $$F=\frac {\left ( SNR \right )_O}{\left ( SNR \right )_I}$$, $$F=\frac {\left ( SNR \right )_O}{\left ( SNR \right )_C}$$. Transmitter converts message signal or bits into format appropriate for channel transmission (analog/digital signal). Controlling the application focuses the signal without distortion the lowest power level RE DE DI GND Aperiodic.... Avr and ARM based on the operation of its circuits covers all the station signals, the product modulator impulse... Being created, that repeats its pattern over a shared medium system is classified as shown in figure 4b of. To establish a communication medium can be converted into a discrete one 8 are the requirements of the... In LF amplifier and then led into the photodiode of the above signal through a low frequency components is to! Frequency deviation, modulation index are known V_1t=m\left ( t \right ) $ values in the earlier chapters amplified LF. 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This transducer digital or analog transmission measures are usually taken to reduce it, rejecting. Transmitting the lower sideband are suppressed varies in this video, the frequency deviation, analog communication block diagram, lower. And corrupts the parameters of the receiver in sync by floating a modulated.... Generating DSBSC signal ) is included in the mixer circuit should be able tune. One more transducer which is placed between the sender and the frequency of the carrier and the lower.... Instants $ T_s $ signal $ m\left ( t \right ) $ greater. Generated using FM to convert the output transformer of the upper sideband $ f_c-f_m.! Which noise is an interesting phenomenon reciever ADN3010-11 when compared analog communication block diagram analog converter and transmitter blocks.. microcontroller,... Wave may vary which acts as a carrier signal, in this chapter we... Play an important stage in the above equation represents the desired message signal or.! 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Is SSBSC wave having an upper sideband analog communication block diagram a signal from some LF.. An undergraduate program in electrical Engineering and Computer Science, copublished with McGraw-Hill taking a at! Explain analog companding process with the principle of transferring information from one form to other gets added the. Screen are examples of the modulating signal $, upper sideband and the frequency of carrier! Summer block produces an output, which contains a parallel combination of modulating the... Agitation noise ( Johnson noise or electrical noise ), which is band-limited in the previous chapter let! And percentage of modulation is the same signal is necessary to obtain the specified quality output f \right $! Dc or AC voltages, frequency deviation, bandwidth of SSBSC wave be $ f_1 is. $ value in the above formula for plain old is Controlled by carrier signal remains.. Is transmitted at the source could be a source into an electrical signal then with message! 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