type. The reason is that these data types use a binary floating point representation, and cannot represent numbers like 0.1 or 0.01 exactly. This message informs us how much each friend must pay for their dinner. All done using Interface Builder. Next, we’ve used string concatenation to create a message that we print to the console. There are lots of ways to round number with precision. Paul Hudson @twostraws May 28th 2019. More clear than the below solution which just  How to convert a string to a float. Swift provides two signed floating-point number types: Double represents a 64-bit floating-point number. Swift Creates an integer from the given floating-point value, rounding toward zero. As expected, in order to convert the String to a Double, substitute the Float() initializer with Double() initializer in the example above. For more information about the available rounding rules, see the FloatingPointRoundingRule enumeration. let lessPrecisePI = Float("3.14") let morePrecisePI = Double("3.1415926536") let width = CGFloat(Double("200.0")!) In this tutorial, learn how to convert float to integer type value in Python. If you want to round to 2 decimal places, you have to pass 2 as the value of the second argument. let x: Double = 21.25 let y = Float(x) print 1. Creates and initializes a decimal Converting Between Decimals and Strings. Given a Float or a Double value: var value = 4.53978. Paul Hudson @twostraws May 28th 2019. How to convert a double value to int doing the following: Double If x = 4.97542. The only number of decimal digits that you can correctly round to is zero. Framework. It Hasn’t Been 2% for 30 Years (Here’s Proof). print(x.rounded ()) // Prints "7.0" Float represents a 32-bit floating-point number. You should use the new type initializers to convert between String and numeric types (Double, Float, Int). If you use only the int(), you will get integer value without a round figure.To convert float to int with the round figure, read this tutorial to … render, Javascript add days to date excluding weekends and holidays. For example, to convert the integerÂ