This is a short summary page for characters from the Fullmetal Alchemist manga series and its anime adaptation Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. When he devoured Gluttony, he gained his extraordinary sense of smell, his ability to devour anything, his Philosopher’s Stone, his ravenous appetite (due to Gluttony being a hummunculus as well) and perhaps even his fake Gate of Truth. Even so, there may come a time when they’ll ask for your help. Facebook; Twitter; Facebook; Twitter; 0 Items #Pride #Fma pride #full metal alchemist. 07974 784 215 As the helpless homunculus begs Edward to stop, thinking of his stepfather and stepmother, he is reduced to his basic form: a tiny foetus-like infant with a circular mark on his forehead. Greed may not be good, but it’s not so bad either. – Roy Mustang, 19. There's no shorter, sweeter, and simpler line that could better sum up Olivier's feelings when it comes to who is allowed to live and thrive within Briggs' walls. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This page grew so large that it had to be split. Yet, he can display a contemplative, almost child-like side, fitting the child he looks like. Okay, I freaking love Roy Mustang. We have to fight in order to live, and that’s what will make us strong. my favorite manga is Domestic Kanojo, favorite manhwa is The Breaker, favorite anime is Attack on Titan. Adapted to anime under the direction of Noriyuki Abe and produced by the Japanese... One Piece decade-old anime which is still ongoing with the manga still continuing more likely to continue for another 5 years or so. Friends are connected by their souls you can’t just rinse something out that has been deeply instilled into your soul! That’s what makes it so damn beautiful. – Olivier Armstrong, 27. I think you’ve got me all wrong. Isaac McDougal | Pride was created by Father very quickly after the destruction of the country of Xerxes, around 350 to 400 years before the start of the series. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. "Pride" may refer to the following: Selim Bradley, the son of the Führer of Amestris who is later revealed to be a Homunculus and the embodiment of some of Father's Pride in the original manga and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. – Izumi Curtis, 4. Brave humans who persevere are so easy to trick. Pride after having part of his face smashed open. Pride the ArrogantSelim Bradley (human alias) Goals Pride appears as an innocent young boy with short dark hair and dark eyes, to disguise his true, evil nature. Pride Happybiprideday Remember, whatever you identify as, you are real and you are valid. – Edward Elric, 2. Manga piracy has long been a controversial issue. Origin Edward asks him why he gives everything for Father, who did not care the slightest for his dire state he could have fixed in a heartbeat, mocking the homunculi for being "brainless zombies unable to think for themselves". He lives with the homunculus Wrath, the ruler of the country of Amestris known by the population as King Bradley, posing as his adopted son Selim Bradley to create a facade of benevolence. He had to remain in the flask in which he had been created, otherwise, he would have died. The next time I make you cry, they’ll be tears of joy! Mustang Is The Worst. Pride is far and away the most powerful of the Seven Homunculi and Father’s second-in-command. – Lan Fan, 26. Damn kid... that was good. Father | “When I, who is called a "weapon" or a "monster", fight a real monster, I can fully realize that I am just … Revenge, Suffering, Agony, and Redemption that drives the anime forward right from the beginning to the end. Then he orders Solf J. Kimblee, a deranged alchemist working for Father to cause a high-scale slaughter in Briggs, the mountain in the north border of Amestris; as Father’s goal requires several of them in various points of the border, (which follows the nationwide transmutation circle). – Solf J. Kimblee, 20. As the most powerful homunculus, he wields the deadliest power. Cowboy Bebop is a Japanese science-fiction anime that is adapted from the manga of the same name by Watanabe, Shinichiro (Story), Nanten, Yutaka (Art), Yatate, Hajime (Story). Indeed, it has Lust's power to cut through anything, Greed's virtual invulnerability, Envy's power to change shapes and manipulate others, Sloth's extreme strength, Gluttony's power to devour and assimilate anything, and Wrath’s highly enhanced eyesight. Fighting seems to be natural for him, as he often casually talks with his enemies and smiles at them before attacking. To get something you have to give up something in return (Equivalent Exchange) is the motto of Fullmetal Alchemist / Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.