This volume covers the northern Highlands (north of the Great Glen), the Cairngorms and Isle of Skye. This was clearly a bit of a waste, so in the past couple of years I’ve done a lot more work on this – and of course have been able to read through the more recent batches of completion letters – until it’s now at a point where it feels it would be of use and of interest to the wider hill community (and also, I would hope, to Messrs Broadhead and Campbell by way of reciprocation for their own help). On TV, Muriel Gray’s The Munro Show starting in 1991 was another popularising influence (another of her hill-related efforts, The Golden Cagoule from a couple of years later, perhaps less so). The Clan Munro led by chief Hugh Munro fought as Highlanders at the Battle of Harlaw near Inverurie in Aberdeenshire on 24 July 1411, against an army of Scottish Lowlanders. Our t-shirts are manufactured from high-class cotton giving them a wonderful soft handle. For this kind assistance – and for the amount of collation work put in generally – I’m hugely grateful to the SMC in the form of its successive clerks and its archivist, all of whom have done considerable unpaid work in maintaining the Munroist list – particularly the clerk, who writes upwards of a couple of hundred letters per year and has to deal with a wide variety of queries plus the occasional impatient hill bagger. I’ve written elsewhere of the spread of different last Munros, and I’ll come back to that another time, but for now I want to focus on the yearly and monthly spread of completions. They are listed by section as used in the official tables, and in descending order of height within each section. June comes second, then August, then May – with another oddity being July’s status as a consistently quiet-ish finishing month over the years. This is a subsidiary list to the List … Munros . The list – up to Munroist 1745 – published in Munro’s Tables in 1997 appears at first glance to have no one listed for 1950, but the accomplished botanist Alf Slack (1913-98) who completed on the Saddle, 11 November 1950, was one of the more notable late-declarers and appears at no.835. It’s no surprise to see that not many people finish their round in the “GMT months”, November through to March: fewer than 7% of completions come during that part of the year. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. There are a few cases where someone has written in without giving any kind of date and the completion might thus have happened in the previous (or some earlier) year, but in the absence of any evidence such people are included in the year in which they notified the SMC. This makes the numbering system only semi-representative of the actual timeline – and means that if someone is given number xxxx and then claims to be the actual xxxxth Munroist, they don’t really understand how the list works. In terms of my own method of handling the statistics, over the years I’ve sorted the information into the correct timeline, listing Munroists in the actual order they completed rather than by when they notified the SMC. Each year’s stash of letters – concerning not just initial Munro rounds but also repeat rounds and completions of the Tops and other categories – ends up in a large ring binder and in due course finds its way (courtesy of the diligent SMC archivist Robin N Campbell) into the club’s archive at the National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh. As things stand, there were 254 listed completions during that year (a figure which, as for most years from the 1980s onwards, might and probably will rise slightly – there were, for instance, two reportings of 1999 finishes during 2016, by Patrick Grant 5923 and David Traynor 6100). The following is a list of UNIT personnel, categorised by position and/or status. The considerable majority of Scottish hillgoers treat Munrobagging as primarily a summer sport, and if anything new can be added during the ironmongery season then it’s a bonus. It tends to be forgotten in our information-heavy age just how little reading material there was about Munros until the mid-1980s, and how influential these two books were for aspiring Munroists at that time. In a further example of “mis-ordering”, my friend Bill Cook completed on the Cairnwell on 6 May 1990 (I was there, which makes me now feel a little old) but didn’t write to the SMC until late 2007 and is thus no.4003 – 96 places below me in the list even though he was the first of us to complete by more than 17 years. Less clear are the reasons for the next big jump in rounds, the rise into the 200s per year starting from 1999 (but note that 1997 currently has 199 listed completions and will very likely nudge up to 200 at some stage). Ramsay's Round - 23 Munros above Glen Nevis in under 24 hours. The great benefit of converting to the “real timeline” is that it allows an accurate picture to be built up of where and when people completed their rounds. List of Munros by Order Climbed. Home A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Maadarani, Rod Maafi, Soheyl Maaroud, Zamel Maarouf, Shadi If numbers are tailing off a little, this might seem curious given that the Munros are now well-known almost to the point of ubiquity, there’s certainly no shortage of people on them, and it’s almost certainly the case that doing a round by standard routes in summer conditions is easier than it’s ever been – particularly given the modern trend for hiring a guide and “clearing out” the Cuillin mid-round rather than being stuck with a few awkward summits at the end. Where in the World Is the MUNRO Surname Found? Thankfully most letters aren’t like this – the vast majority of completers are polite, patient and appreciative – and the whole massive year-on-year archive of correspondence is a treasure trove for a hill researcher such as me. Loch Mullardoch Circuit (12 Munros in a day), Glenfinnan to Inverie to compleat the round, Lucky Loch Lochy escapes the thunderstorms, Lurg Mhor and Bidein a’Choire Sheasgaich from Craig, Beinn Liath Mhor and Sgor Ruadh from Torridon, Bidean Nam Bian and friends from Glen Etive, A round of the Tarf Munros from Blair Atholl, Character Building on Beinn Dearg (Ullapool), My Brothers, My Sisters, and My Granddad Monty, Pain and discomfort on the Northern Mullardochs, Tough walk in the Fannichs with two superstars, The Clachet Traverse Four Munro’s (Black Mount), Glen Tilt Three (Bein a Ghlo) plus the Corbett, Meall a’Choire Leith and Meall Corranaich, Large Multiple Munro Walks / Loch Torridon to Loch Maree, Large Multiple Munro Walks / Loch Rannoch to Glen Lyon, Fort William to Loch Treig and Loch Leven, Copyright Colin Lamont © 2016. List of Munros This is a list of Munros, in order of height, it includes the 282 mountains in Scotland with a height over 3000ft (914m) as published by Sir Hugh Munro in 1891. What follows is a statistical analysis of Munroists in terms of distribution by year and month, based on the list of numbered completers as compiled initially by Eric Maxwell (1891-1978) of the Grampian Club. Alphabetical List. Munros List By Height. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This period of consistency has been a plateauing, however, and the high point of 1999 has not been seriously threatened. Scottish Mountaineering Club - has a section with lots of information on Munros and a list of all the Munroists (people who have 'compleated' all the Munros), many with photos. Quite why this might have occurred is open to discussion, but it’s worth bearing in mind that two popular Munro-related books – Hamish’s Mountain Walk (detailing Hamish Brown’s continuous round of 1974) and Richard Gilbert’s Memorable Munros (a diary-type account Just copy and paste the Munro name into the search box and press enter to find the report containing that Munro. Munros by name Scottish mountains over 3,000 feet high The mountains in Scotland over 3,000 feet high listed in alphabetical order Munros intro Map Munros by height Munros by region Munros by name Easiest Munros Hardest Munros Best Munros Munros by train Best multi-Munros … Fort William to Loch Treig and Loch Leven, Loch Ericht to Glen Tromie and Glen Garry, Buachaille Etive Beag – Stob Coire Raineach. List of Munros by Area: Alphabetical List of Munros: List of Munros by Order Climbed: Home: The heights and ranks in this list are based on the Collins Munro Map 1998 edition. For years the SMC has included an Unknown Munroist, supposedly to account for however many unreported rounds there are, and while this has moved around from 276 – the number of Munros at the time the concept was invented – to 277 to 284 (the number of hills from 1997 to 2009 when Sgurr nan Ceannaichean was chopped down to Corbett height, followed in 2012 by Beinn a’Chlaidheimh), it has stayed there and hasn’t shifted to the current figure of 282. This overall busyness is also surely linked to the obvious fact that most Munroists don’t stop when they complete their first round, with majority staying fairly active – if perhaps less focused – on the Munros; repeat rounds are relatively common – roughly one in every ten Munroists goes on to do them again. All 81 characters in The Lake House are alphabetically listed along with character descriptions. I don’t intend to analyse the tables in any great detail, instead leaving it to interested completers and others to pick out the bones from what is a pretty large sample and one which covers a considerable span of years. In recent years there have been far fewer of these “vague” people, as David Broadhead in particular has been successful in his request for completers to provide date/hill details concerning first and last Munros. All Rights Reserved. There are plenty of people – including those impatient souls mentioned above – who write in remarkably quickly once they’ve finished their round, but there are far more who delay a few weeks, months, years or even decades. The first table covers the early years when such achievements were rare, and only includes those years where someone appears in the list – starting with A E Robertson on Meall Dearg, 28 September 1901 and ending with James Campbell in 1949 (neither the exact date nor the finishing hill is known for him – if anyone has information on this please let me know). In regard to this latter point, it’s possible that the recent decline could be linked with the Munros providing less of a challenge than used to be the case – although generally something becoming easier leads to an increase rather than a decrease in people doing it. The namesakes include some surprising examples, for instance David McSporran appears at both 4088 and 4170 for completions on 21 June 2008 (Bruach na Frithe) and on 7 August 2005 (Ladhar Bheinn) respectively. This is almost certainly connected with February tending to have proper winter conditions and thus being regarded as “more serious”, whereas November is usually the back end of autumn with not much snow and ice. Since 1970, when the number of recorded Munroists reached 100 and Maxwell “closed his book” as he put it, the list has been maintained by the Scottish Mountaineering Club – a tremendous effort both in terms of gathering a huge amount of hill-related information and also compiling a valuable social and historical document. Fair enough. Neil Munro (1864-1930) was born in Inveraray and wrote Para Handy and John Splendid. View on a Google Map Only ; View on a Google Map with a list of tops below ; View as a detailed list: In Alphabetical Order | In Height Order View as one page with 'yet-to-be-bagged' listed 1st & then 'already bagged' tops listed 2nd: In Alphabetical Order | In Height Order The lines are subdivided into months, and at the end of each line there is an “unknown” column which includes anyone for whom the year is known but not the actual month. The figures provided here show this not to be the case. Just copy and paste the Munro name into the search box and press enter to find the report containing that Munro. The tables below thus include 6095 completions, a figure which includes adjustment for the seven known examples of people who are in the list twice despite having only done one round, and who thus have duplicate numbers: Sue Jardine 214/1597, Charles Alexander 360/2513, William Mackenzie 386/831, Allan Simpson 631/989, Allan Bantick 1006/1598, Peter Kerry 2997/3014 and Chris Low 3007/3058. Also worthy of discussion is the apparent decline in new Munroists in the last couple of years – something which David Broadhead at the SMC has himself noted. There has been at least one completion in each of the years covered by these latter tables – the last year without a listed completion was 1946. Another 419 words (30 lines of text) covering the years 1210, 1230, 1476, 1651, 1505, 1680, 1602, 1693, 1697, 1729 and 1719 are included under the topic Early Munro History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. Quite why the distribution has ended up this way is again a matter for thoughts and theories, but it could be that many of the more systematic Munrobaggers come into what is intended as their completion year with 30 or 40 still to do and work their way through these during the summer before finishing in the tail-end of the decent daylight and amenable weather. Hills are divided by sub-region, and hills with less than 200m relative height are indented, to give some idea of how the hills are grouped together and relate to one another. ¹about ab 6dd 2-5-6 ²-less 4-6 s 5shall (sh) ¹above abv ¹deceive dcv ¹letter lr ¹should (sh)d ¹according ac ¹deceiving dcvg 5like l ²-sion 4-6 n ¹across acr ¹declare dcl ¹little l l 5so s ¹after af ¹declaring dclg 10lord 5 l 10some 5 s ¹afternoon afn 8dis- 2 … There are eight main tables, with each line covering a year’s worth of first-round Munro completions as recorded in the SMC list – in other words completions that have been given a number. Then there is the omission of 666, on some kind of religious/superstitious grounds that a lot of people regard as a bit silly. List of Munros by Area: Alphabetical List of Munros: Ben Lomond: Area 1: 974m: 3196ft: M183: Walk 1: Ben Lomond Given that 2015 only saw 208 rounds (again there will be late referrals to come, but probably not so many given that more time has passed), there does seem to have been a dip of late which may or may not prove to be a long-lasting one. Early History of the Munro family. The mountaineer Sir Hugh Munro died in 1919, entirely unaware of quite what a mountain of obsession he had started with his ‘Munros Tables’: a list of Scottish mountains over 3000ft that he had published in 1891. These cookies do not store any personal information. Sir Leslie Knox Munro (1901-74 ) was President of the United Nations General Assembly in 1957 … The Munros by Altitude. To give one of thousands of examples of this, I wrote in seven weeks after my own 22 July 2007 completion on the Saddle and duly received number 3907. And more recently – and far less well known – there is 5639, which if you look at the online version of the list contains a certain N O Body. Fair Wear Foundation guarantees that Continental Clothing makes sufficient effort to improve labour conditions along the supply chain. Numbers 3905 and 3906, immediately ahead of me in the list, are Jan and Graham Pye who completed together on Mull on 25 August 2007 – just 12 days before I wrote in. The table below lists the Munros in order of height. List of Scottish novelists is an incomplete alphabetical list of Scottish novelists. . in the spring of that year). Alphabetical List of Male Bodybuilders. The list of Munros dates from 1891, and 255 of the 282 Munros below, were on the original 1891 list; while 28 of the 227 Munro Tops, were once Munros. 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