1 decade ago. Will miss you, but time has come to leave this place forever. And if the dollar ceases to be the world’s trade and reserve currency, what of it? While the stated Trump Administration intention has been to enter into new arrangements more favorable to the United States, the end result has been quite different, creating a broad consensus within the international community that Washington is unstable, not a reliable partner and cannot be trusted. Well the worm has finally turned, maybe. When you greet someone you often say “it’s nice to see you”, so when you say goodbye you can say “it was nice to see you again”. What? *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Strategic Culture. Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You! 13. Website is councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. Iran is quietly pleased by the development, even though there are critics of the arrangement and the government is officially declaring that Instex is not enough and it will proceed with plans to increase its uranium production. Goodbye PCs, it's been nice knowing you. GlobalResearch Center for Research on Globalization. necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation. This sentiment has, in turn, resulted in conversations among foreign governments regarding how to circumvent the American banking system, which is the primary offensive weapon apart from dropping bombs that Washington has to force compliance with its dictates. Even the feckless Angela Merkel’s Germany now understands that national interests must prevail when the United States is demanding that it do the unspeakable. Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You! I’ve yet to see PCLinuxOS 2009.2 break. In other words, this is what you say when you are saying farewell forever: "Too bad you're moving to Texas. copyright owner. Goodbye, it was nice knowing you, have fun.? Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You! Joe Biden’s Vision of Normal Raises Concerns. But families and friends keep in touch, so I am happy that even though I won't see you every day, we'll still be part of each other's lives. Global Research, July 04, 2019. Lv 5. Trump Meltdown… Will Mitch McConnell Now Get Death Threats? Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You! This sentiment has, in turn, resulted in conversations among foreign governments regarding how to circumvent the American banking system, which is the primary offensive weapon apart from dropping bombs that Washington has to force compliance with its dictates. by Philip Giraldi 2 years ago no comment. It has also expanded the reach of its unilaterally imposed rules, forcing other nations to abide by its […] Updated: May 17, 2015 . It’s very straightforward.”. You say "to know you" after you are done knowing them. Well, I say this every time I type a post….but I have sucked at posting in 2020. by Philip Giraldi for Strategic-Culture. Consequently, there has been considerable blowback from the Make America Great Again campaign, particularly as the flip side of the coin appears to be that the “greatness” will be obtained by making everyone else less great. It has also expanded the reach of its unilaterally imposed rules, forcing other nations to abide by its demands or face economic sanctions. Everyone else is keen to get out from under the American heel. Goodbye 2020. Goodbye Forefront, it was nice knowing you Posted on September 15, 2012 by halberenson My last job at Microsoft was as the “Chief Architect” of the Identity and Security Division (and briefly its successor organization, DAIP) and General Manager for Forefront UAG, Forefront TMG, Rights Management Services, Certificate Services, Windows NAP, and some other odds and ends. It was nice to know you." Good bye 2325 Gerrit. Goodbye, Europe. VIDEO: America in Crisis… Blaming Russia Is Self-Defeating Diversion, Mixed Messages and Confusion in U.S. Policy Regarding Europe and Russia, Trump Has Won the Propaganda War With China, Trump Wants to Cut Off China in Guilt-Projection Meltdown, The Coronavirus Pandemic is Breaking Down Globalism. The announcement regarding Instex came as a result of last week’s meeting in Vienna in which the JCPOA signatories minus the US got together with Iranian ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi, who called the gathering “the last chance for the remaining parties…to gather and see how they can meet their commitments towards Iran.”. America in Crisis... Blaming Russia Is Self-Defeating Diversion. Goodbye HMV, it was nice knowing you. To know you. In-depth Report: IRAN: THE NEXT WAR? Facebook. Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You! "Goodbye, it was nice to meet you." But a sharp reaction from the White House is expected. Without Democracy in the U.S., Can the Simulacra of Democracy Survive Elsewhere? The only country in the world that currently regards the United States favorably is Israel, which certainly has good reason to do so given the largesse that has come from the Trump Administration. It Was Nice Knowing You. Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You! It’s very straightforward.”. It is the first major step in moving away from the dominance of the dollar as the world’s trading and reserve currency. Forward this article to your email lists. Global Research #1 A great workplace is like a family, and moving onto this new challenge, I feel a little like I'm leaving home. Republishing is welcomed with reference to Strategic Culture online journal. Arkadiusz Chadzynski July 9, 2009 “If you still stick to Windows 95 desktop functionality, use 3 or LXDE than. This website uses cookies in order to improve your browsing experience. The views of individual contributors do not This produced an immediate response from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last week speaking in New Delhi “If there is conflict, if there is war, if there is a kinetic activity, it will be because the Iranians made that choice.” Nevertheless, Instex could possibly be a model for mechanisms that will allow Iran to sell its oil without hindrance from Washington. As is often the case, the damage to US perceived interests is self-inflicted. Posted on July 5, 2019 | 1 Comment. Trump has already been “threatening penalties against the financial body created by Germany, the U.K. and France to shield trade with the Islamic Republic from US sanctions.” The Treasury’s undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, Israeli Sigal Mandelker, warned in a May 7th letter that “I urge you to carefully consider the potential sanctions exposure of Instex. Answer Save. 26. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair use" you must request permission from the How a Wise Decoupling May Be a Good Thing for Both China and the West, Trump’s ‘Alternate History’ and Rejection of Facts. It has been hard to keep up, be motivated to do so, etc etc. Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You! It would mean that the Treasury might have to cease printing surplus dollars and the US ability to establish global hegemony on a credit card might well be impeded. Notre site en Français: mondialisation.ca. The views of individual contributors do not Entry Link: Goodbye KDE. May 17, 2015. Pandemic Opportunities Arise for Trump but Will He Take Them? Hello, desktop as a service. The Treasury’s undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, Israeli Sigal Mandelker, warned in a May 7 th letter that “I urge you to carefully consider the potential sanctions exposure of Instex. And if the dollar ceases to be the world’s trade and reserve currency, what of it? Engaging in activities that run afoul of US sanctions can result in severe consequences, including a loss of access to the US financial system.”, Indeed, the White House appears to be willing to engage in economic warfare with Europe over the issue of punishing Iran. You're saying good-bye when you mean good riddance. Donate. As is often the case, the damage to US perceived interests is self-inflicted. Events. Posted by Ron Paul Institute | Jul 4, 2019 | War & Peace | 0 . But (like "see you later") it can be used as a sarcastic brush-off. July 4, 2019 Free World Economic Report-Free World Economic Report- Strategic Culture Foundation By Philip Giraldi. Pinterest. Over the past two years, the White House has initiated trade disputes, insulted allies and enemies alike, and withdrawn from or refused to ratify multinational treaties and agreements. XXXX. necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation. Over the past two years, the White House has initiated trade disputes, insulted allies and enemies alike, and withdrawn from or refused to ratify multinational treaties and agreements. Reply. Should Trump and His Supporters Face ‘Damnatio Memoriae’? Used as a farewell of sorts, much like "see you later". "it has been a nice experience knowing you". You say "to meet you" after you are done meeting them. It was nice knowing you. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. Coronavirus Devastates Italy: Is It the Result of Globalism and Free Trade? I wish all of you … That likely means that Washington will resort to secondary sanctions on the Europeans, a move that will definitely make the bilateral relationship even more poisonous than it already is.  Free Books! Above photo: EU foreign policy chief Mogherini and Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif. It is called the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (Instex) and it will permit companies in Europe to do business with countries like Iran, avoiding American sanctions by trading outside the SWIFT system, which is dollar denominated and de facto controlled by the US Treasury. Even the feckless Angela Merkel’s Germany now understands that national interests must prevail when the United States is demanding that it do the unspeakable. The significance of the European move cannot be understated. No One Is Listening: A Country Divided Against Itself, More War by Other Means: Sanctioning the Wife of Syria’s President Makes No Sense to Anyone, A New War in the New Year? Take a walk down memory lane with us, and your old favourite music hangout. Consequently, there has been considerable blowback from the Make America Great Again campaign, particularly as the flip side of the coin appears to be that the “greatness” will be obtained by making everyone else less great. The Treasury Department issued a statement regarding the Mandelker letter, saying “entities that transact in trade with the Iranian regime through any means may expose themselves to considerable sanctions risk, and Treasury intends to aggressively enforce our authorities.” Mike Pompeo also was explicit during a visit to London on May 8th when he stated that “…it doesn’t matter what vehicle’s out there, if the transaction is sanctionable, we will evaluate it, review it, and if appropriate, levy sanctions against those that were involved in that transaction. Here are some great sample goodbye messages to colleagues that will let them know it has been a pleasure working with them and that you enjoyed the time you spent with them. Over the past two years, the White House has initiated trade disputes, insulted allies and enemies alike, and withdrawn from or refused to ratify multinational treaties and agreements. "Nice to know you" means something quite different. Comment on Global Research Articles on our Facebook page, Disclaimer: The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You! ⇊ By Greg Holt. Asymmetric Financial War and Radical US Leverage – What Will It Bring? For publication of Global Research articles in print or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: [email protected]. Doesn’t Anyone Believe in Come-Backs? Over the past two years, the White House has initiated trade disputes, insulted allies and enemies alike, and withdrawn from or refused to ratify multinational treaties and agreements. Goodbye Dollar. Over the past two years, the White House has initiated trade disputes, insulted allies and enemies alike, and withdrawn from or refused to ratify multinational treaties and agreements. Like the post? Twitter. 1 decade ago. necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation. A global trade war is a distinct possibility and, as observed above, the abandonment of the dollar as the international reserve currency is a possible consequence. The US withdrawal in an attempt to destroy the “plan of action” was therefore viewed extremely negatively by all the other signatories and their anger increased when Washington declared that it would reinstate sanctions on Iran and also use secondary sanctions to punish any third party that did not comply with the restrictions on trade. How Billionaires Transfer Blame to Others, The Trump Ban: The Only Free Speech Zone for American Conservatives Is Russia. Reply. by Philip Giraldi July 5, 2019 1.8k Views 3 Comments. www.globalresearch.ca contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. While the stated Trump Administration intention has been to enter into new arrangements more favorable to the United States, the end result has been quite different, creating a broad consensus within the international community that Washington is unstable, not a reliable partner and cannot be trusted. Region: Europe, Middle East & North Africa. Favorite Answer. Try it you might be impressed.!***! The Centre of Research on Globalization grants permission to cross-post Global Research articles on community internet sites as long the source and copyright are acknowledged together with a hyperlink to the original Global Research article. There has been talk for years regarding setting up trade mechanisms that would not be dollar based, but they did not gain any momentum until the Trump Administration abruptly withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran over a year ago. Trump has already been “threatening penalties against the financial body created by Germany, the U.K. and France to shield trade with the Islamic Republic from US sanctions.” The Treasury’s undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, Israeli Sigal Mandelker, warned in a May 7th letter that “I urge you to carefully consider the potential sanctions exposure of Instex. Tan Xing Qi | September 23, 01:01 PM . It was nice knowing you. Major European powers Germany, France and Great Britain, as well as Russia and China, were all signatories and the agreement was endorsed by the United Nations Security Council. Become Member of Goodbye money, it was nice knowing you while it lasted! Over the past two years, the White House has initiated trade disputes, insulted allies and enemies alike, and withdrawn from or refused to ratify multinational treaties and agreements. Its been nice knowing you.!***! It is perhaps not unreasonable to wish the Europeans success, as they are supporting free trade while also registering their opposition to the White House’s bullying tactics using the world financial system. But a sharp reaction from the White House is expected. The Mystery of Death: Goodbye, Planet Earth, It's Been Nice Knowing You! Goodnight. … The Mystery of Death: Goodbye, Planet Earth, It's Been Nice Knowing You! Over the past two years, the White House has initiated trade disputes, insulted allies and enemies alike, and withdrawn from or refused to ratify multinational treaties and agreements. Instex is an upgrade of a previous “Special Purpose Vehicle” set up by the Europeans a year ago to permit trading with Iran without any actual money transfers, something like a barter system based on balancing payments by value. July 5, 2019. https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2019/07/04/goodbye-dollar-it-was-nice-knowing-you/ Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You! It is the first major step in moving away from the dominance of the dollar as the world’s trading and reserve currency. Posted on December 31, 2020 by mscurlgurl78. You can use this expression to say goodbye to someone you already know. Nice to know. Authored by Philip Giraldi via The Strategic Culture Foundation, Over the past two years, the White House has initiated trade disputes, insulted allies and enemies alike, and withdrawn from or refused to ratify multinational treaties and agreements. At the recently concluded G20 meeting in Tokyo Britain, France and Germany announced that the special trade mechanism that they have been working on this year is now up and running. Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below. July 9, 2009 I agree with Lyric. The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article. Its been nice knowing you.!***! Strategic Culture Foundation. Blessed she who clearly sees the wood for the trees. Oct 31, 2016 - Explore Chris 's board "goodbye everyone it was nice knowing you all ", followed by 209 people on Pinterest. Good Bye America: Nice Knowing You. Over the past two years, the White House has initiated trade disputes, insulted allies and enemies alike, and withdrawn from or refused to ratify multinational treaties and agreements. July 7, 2019 | Educate! [Sumrall, Lester] on Amazon.com. It used to be that as one grew older their experience developed wisdom that could help guide succeeding generations. It would mean that the Treasury might have to cease printing surplus dollars and the US ability to establish global hegemony on a credit card might well be impeded. O ver the past two years, the White House has initiated trade disputes, insulted allies and enemies alike, and withdrawn from or refused to ratify multinational treaties and agreements. Artikel erschienen in Business Spectator (Melbourne), 17.Februar 2010: Europe’s slow, painful death. Nasren7585. Over the past two years, the White House has initiated trade disputes, insulted allies and enemies alike, and withdrawn from or refused to ratify multinational treaties and agreements. Relevance. While Instex was in the development phase, US observers noted that the Iranian Special Trade and Finance Instrument, that will do the actual trading, includes government agencies that are already under US sanctions. Over the past two years, the White House has initiated trade disputes, insulted allies and enemies alike, and withdrawn from or refused to ratify multinational treaties and agreements. Major European powers Germany, France and Great Britain, as well as Russia and China, were all signatories and the agreement was endorsed by the United Nations Security Council. Why r u leaving honey - did a nasty troll upset you? July 6, 2019 3993 The significance of the European move cannot be understated… by Philip Giraldi via Strategic Culture Foundation. Weaponizing the US Dollar Is Accelerating Global De-Dollarization. Iran is quietly pleased by the development, even though there are critics of the arrangement and the government is officially declaring that Instex is not enough and it will proceed with plans to increase its uranium production. By Philip Giraldi. Those would be good results and one might also hope that some day soon the United States might once again become a normal country that Americans would be proud to call home. July 4, 2019 | World. Well the worm has finally turned, maybe. Mozillans could have spoken loudly in support of their co-founder. Standard. Deeper than the deepest Cousteau would ever go. But Democrats Do, A Return to Normalcy? Have fun though in whatever you do. Trump Again Takes Aim at Iran, Democracies Don’t Start Wars. By Philip Giraldi, Strategic Culture. It was nice knowing you. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues. Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You! Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You! The US withdrawal in an attempt to destroy the “plan of action” was therefore viewed extremely negatively by all the other signatories and their anger increased when Washington declared that it would reinstate sanctions on Iran and also use secondary sanctions to punish any third party that did not comply with the restrictions on trade. Or if this was the first time you met the person, you can say “it was nice meeting you”. Those would be good results and one might also hope that some day soon the United States might once again become a normal country that Americans would be proud to call home. The Treasury Department issued a statement regarding the Mandelker letter, saying “entities that transact in trade with the Iranian regime through any means may expose themselves to considerable sanctions risk, and Treasury intends to aggressively enforce our authorities.” Mike Pompeo also was explicit during a visit to London on May 8th when he stated that “…it doesn’t matter what vehicle’s out there, if the transaction is sanctionable, we will evaluate it, review it, and if appropriate, levy sanctions against those that were involved in that transaction. To obtain a bird's eye is to turn a blizzard to a breeze. Have a nice life and a nice owner. The views of individual contributors do not Engaging in activities that run afoul of US sanctions can result in severe consequences, including a loss of access to the US financial system.”, Indeed, the White House appears to be willing to engage in economic warfare with Europe over the issue of punishing Iran. This produced an immediate response from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last week speaking in New Delhi “If there is conflict, if there is war, if there is a kinetic activity, it will be because the Iranians made that choice.” Nevertheless, Instex could possibly be a model for mechanisms that will allow Iran to sell its oil without hindrance from Washington. by Philip Giraldi. © 2010 - 2021 | Strategic Culture Foundation | Americans Must Demand Better, Biden, Europe, and No Prospect of Détente With Russia, Rival Governments Are Often Recipes for Violence and Regional Warfare. 1 1. Share. And higher than the heights of what we often think we know. The announcement regarding Instex came as a result of last week’s meeting in Vienna in which the JCPOA signatories minus the US got together with Iranian ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi, who called the gathering “the last chance for the remaining parties…to gather and see how they can meet their commitments towards Iran.”. It is perhaps not unreasonable to wish the Europeans success, as they are supporting free trade while also registering their opposition to the White House’s bullying tactics using the world financial system. Written by Dr. Robert Owens. Theme: Global Economy, US NATO War Agenda. There has been talk for years regarding setting up trade mechanisms that would not be dollar based, but they did not gain any momentum until the Trump Administration abruptly withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran over a year ago. The significance of the European move cannot be understated. We will be around if you need us. While Instex was in the development phase, US observers noted that the Iranian Special Trade and Finance Instrument, that will do the actual trading, includes government agencies that are already under US sanctions. Anonymous. A global trade war is a distinct possibility and, as observed above, the abandonment of the dollar as the international reserve currency is a possible consequence. The rest of the world is chipping away at the US dollar’s status as the reserve currency. Today the world moves too fast. Just ignore them, they go away eventually! Even the Mooch. Season 1 of The Mandalorian managed to capture 15 Emmy nominations thanks to its talented crew - and captured plenty of hearts thanks to its pointy-eared, wide-eyed, soup-sipping robed little one dubbed … Ph.D., Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest. Strategic Culture – by Philip Giraldi . Nice to know you, goodbye. There were other signatories to the JCPOA, all of whom were angered by the White House move, because they believed correctly that it was a good agreement, preventing Iranian development of a nuclear weapon while also easing tensions in the Middle East. Nice knowing you.... Nicholas Nethercote: 5/4/14 4:09 PM: On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:02 PM, wrote: > > Mozilla did not have to allow his resignation. The only country in the world that currently regards the United States favorably is Israel, which certainly has good reason to do so given the largesse that has come from the Trump Administration. That likely means that Washington will resort to secondary sanctions on the Europeans, a move that will definitely make the bilateral relationship even more poisonous than it already is. By Philip Giraldi. Everyone else is keen to get out from under the American heel. Photo: MCT . I haven't felt the way I feel today. It has also expanded the reach of its unilaterally imposed rules, forcing other nations to abide by its demands or face economic sanctions. xxx. Why not make it Facebook official. Entry Link: Goodbye KDE. Instex is an upgrade of a previous “Special Purpose Vehicle” set up by the Europeans a year ago to permit trading with Iran without any actual money transfers, something like a barter system based on balancing payments by value. Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. At the recently concluded G20 meeting in Tokyo Britain, France and Germany announced that the special trade mechanism that they have been working on this year is now up and running. There were other signatories to the JCPOA, all of whom were angered by the White House move, because they believed correctly that it was a good agreement, preventing Iranian development of a nuclear weapon while also easing tensions in the Middle East. You can take it at face value, ie. See more ideas about depression quotes, sad quotes, feelings. etc. We Were All Wrong About Trump. By continuing to use this site you agree to the use of cookies. Instead...a few whimpers, then silence, then acquiescence. where do u wanna go????? Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected] He is a frequent contributor to Global Research. 15 Answers. Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You! Right-Wing Generals Calling for a Military Coup: A Long History, President Biden’s Corruption Already Pervades His Administration, Election Day Information Blackout Shows U.S. Media Is No Friend of the People. It is called the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (Instex) and it will permit companies in Europe to do business with countries like Iran, avoiding American sanctions by trading outside the SWIFT system, which is dollar denominated and de facto controlled by the US Treasury.