Since when are there anthropomorphic mushrooms or plumbers with super strength who do nothing but save a single person over and over again? mario hits a block gets power, sonic finds 1 gem then another then another then another then another then another then another. sonic is american! Always somethin unique about it.Both r fun, but sonic is always something new. they made a good game, but their copy cats. Sonic requires no more than scrolling to the right. Mario FTW! The last thing I can think of is using the Penguin Suit. The true champion of games almost every single one of his adventures are an amazing playthrough. In no particular order, here are the reasons that Sonic rules and Mario … Sonic:Faster Than Sound/Faster than light(when super sonic)which i heard. What I believe we must all do is analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each character before developing a rational opinion. Some of you mario fans may not have noticed but mario only saves peach and doesn't give a damn what is going on with the world. If you don't, your evidenceless arguement is rendered null and void. When you trawl through the annals of each series, though, the more obscure villains of the Sonic franchise may just have a little something more up their sleeves than those of the main Mario series. Description. And he could learn how to fight better. SONIC DOES NOT DO THE SAME THING EVERY TIME PEACH IS GONE ONCE AGIAN WELL IN YOUR FACE SONIC RULES, SONIC FANS ARE WAYYYYYYYY BETTER THEN MARIO :p. stfu................................................................................................................. O REALLY BUT DOES HE DO EVERYTHING THE SAME?????? Sonic was dangerous yet adorable, and his noble quest to free the animals from enslavement under Dr. Robotnik was something we could all get behind, as opposed to trying desperately to get laid, like Mario. next sonic doesn't make sense, he looks nothing like a hedgehog, he's BLUE, he can talk, He runs fast for no reason and collects rings and fights some dude who looks like a ball on stilts. Sonic is WAY better than Mario. I mean, what's so special about a fat guy with a stupid accent, a brother thats just gay, and kills things by sitting on them? Sonic Forces (2017) Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric (2014) Sonic Lost World (2013) Sonic Generations (2011) Sonic Colors (2010) Sonic and the Black Knight (2009) Sonic Unleashed (2008) Sonic and the Secret Rings (2007) Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) Mario is big, fat, and klutzy. First off Mario was Here FRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all knew who came first, and according to game theory Mario is faster than sonic. MARIO IS WAY BETTER THAN THAT SHITTY FIN HEDGEHOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also speedfeats is inconsistent and irrelevant for a charecter like Mario. SEGA ROKS. Overall, Sonic has better characters, and a better story. Plus he can throw fire balls at his opponents! But Mario is nearly 100% worthless in a fight without items, weapons or assistance from other characters like Luigi and Yoshi. sonic is better for the last time he can just go supersonic and destroy mario so vote for SONIC, He has cooler enemies and a larger variety of enemies. They're both invincible!!! SONIC AND MARIO FOREVA!!!!! Sonic is the fastest thing alive, Mario's a fat shroom addict. (misconception 2: people think that goombas are walking fungus even though they have legs, a lower body, eyes, eyebrows,mouth, teeth and a tongue, they also charge after Mario when they spot him. He is smart, fast, strong, skilled, and absolutely fearless. Sonic is faster than the speed of light. ~Go, Sonic! Who cares if he was here first, Sonic is amazing and would win a fight between them. Who is a classic hero? sonic for me since i was 4 ive loved sega and sonic the hedgehog because sonic can break the sound barria and hes the fatest fing alive and when he gets all of the sevan chaos wmralds he will go super sonic super sonic can fly breave under water and is invincerball but it has a time limit. and all the mario characters show very bright personalities in the way they act and communicate with each other. indicating they are made of flesh, blood and bone), he has also killed so many Goombas that it's darn close to genocide. And what for? Light moves at a speed of 670,616,628 mph. Its wayy better than shooting fireballs and sonic could easily avoid them, Sonic is better than mario why is this, i know because his fast and is blue where as mario is fat and red which makes him lazy and he eats to much sugar and oils, also if you ever play super smas bros on the Wii Sonic will beat mario by so many points. "and this as well" (which is what i wrote by the way). Dagiecgood sorry if I spelled it wrong but he is right I like mario games a lot too but sonic unleashed was my first video game. 10. after all, dinosaur fossils are very large and MUCH larger than a humans anatomy. Mario is able to run significantly fast without tiring and jump five times his own height. Mario's games have been much more appealing to the community and overall, Mario's games are more popular than sonic games, sonic colors was called a galaxy clone and so was sonic gala- i mean sonic lost world (don't take the joke seriously). who the heck hacked my account who ever is doing this get a life and get out of my account. You did not just accuse Mario of twincest. The Sonic games are way more awesome and spectacular than Mario. look at all 4 of the Mario and Luigi rpgs for gba, ds and 3ds. I mean, tbh, you only see that oversized, studded turtle once a game, on one level and he gets defeated pretty easily. I've played most of the DS games for both, and I really enjoyed the Sonic characters more. Sonic the Hedgehog 3? Mario needs to lose weight. and even if you could, your body would most likely be ripped apart by the sheer force being exerted on your body. Oh, and by the way I know both sonic and Mario better than the back of my hand. And Lotsa other crazy moves that are awsome! Ever since i played sonic colors I realized sonics not so bad an more i likem both now I used to be a Mario and sonic fan both til I heard one person,Note:this was about 2 years ago!, The guy sad Mario is nothing but a fat italian wwho eat and sleeps all day thats when i started thinking Mario was better Im sorry for all this! Mildly disappointed. mario also has many more games, and features better charecters!!!!!!!!!! sonic has managed to compete with Mario and send him running some times, but in the end. while i think Mario is indeed better than sonic. Unfortunately, in my opinion, that and the first Galaxy, is the ONLY good thing I can say about Mario. 2. and watch the video! My point is, Mario is slightly based on real concepts, but the way those concepts are used is just as strange as Sonic would be to someone that doesn't know about him. ALL SONIC FANS OUT THEIR . For Sonic Generations on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "why are sonic games shorter than mario? Isn't Mario slightly faster than Luigi in 3D World? Of course his running and walking ability is decreased while on ground and is reduced to having to hop, however in situations like those, he can use a Koopa Shell to be run on foot. sonics better obviously because he can run up to 760 miles per hour. seriously, look at them (most of them, excluding the fat ones) sonic's build is VERY unbalanced, he barely has any flesh on his arms and legs and even his stomach which is bigger than his arms and legs doesn't look any better either. Plus if Mario and sonic fought underwater, Mario would win because sonic can't swim underwater. So, Sonic had something like Mario Kart. Who else wishes that was real. Sonic is a lot better because of his side characters (excluding tails) and his moves. Sonic can breathe in space, glide afer shooting himself up into the air, and navigate rough terrain with ease. I mean he can roll into a ball and blast through anything in his path. XP. even a fat man with an i.q. sonic is faster than mario and sonic so so so so so so so so good! he can also punch a fleshbag 30 feet away from where he is standing and kick them 30 feet high into the air as well, causing them to explode in a bloody manner and have all their innards launched away. Sonic probably wouldn't be able to suddenly come to a quick stop, and would fall into the water. It's just...wrong. Mephiles The Dark, of 2006's Sonic the Hedgehog, is one example. Mario is a human. Mario's side characters usually get their own spotlight in their own series or games that feature them. Super Sonic, on the other hand, is significantly faster than normal Sonic the Hedgehog. He was when the original game first came out, I wasn't born when it was released but the character is still around today and over the years ever since, I played this game over a million times on the Sega Genesis. And if you knew more about Sonic, you'd realize that all the things that "don't make sense" about Sonic are thoroughly explained. Sonic does different things each time, Mario does the same stupid thing saving stupid Peach from stupid Bowser, and stupid Bowser J.R.!! Destroying monitors grants him abilities such as transforming into a streaking comet of fire, breathing underwater, bouncing off walls and ceilings, and attracting rings. Money and women are the most common reasons for murder in the real world, and apparently in the video-game world also: after all, isn't Mario doing it for Princess Peach and a bunch of coins? but considering the fact you can a 1 up in every act of the first sonic game, they are basically the same thing. As for who's the better fighter, I think this will settle that once and for all: So your gonna think sonics better over some dumb video game wow how pathetic look I dont hate sonic that much I just dont like him in fact the only characters I like in sonic are shadow and knuckles but yeah I just like Mario better cause hes more popular hes not annoying and hes not for little children like sonic!! Link. In addition to this, he can overcome currents in his path, can stop instantly in a single point, and swim in any directions. Sonic has more adventures than Mario!! Who was trippy when they came up with that idea? sonic :) mario:( Kirby :|. how awesome is that? tanooki suit,fire flowers,star,mushroom,ice flower,mega mushroom,leaf,feather,frog suit,hammer suit,and the list goes on. and due to bowser's big build he most likely has big muscles to boot, making him WAAAAAAAYYYYYY stronger than mario. Sonic has better attacks without any power-ups such as, spindashing, rolling into a ball, and jump on enemies to use homing attacks. REALLY?!!!! - Page 2. Sonic already has his power. Infinite is a cheater. Sonic is better, faster, and cooler than Mario! They are of equal speeds. I forgot about the fireballs! ... Toad was way faster than the other characters, followed by Mario and Luigi, and Peach was crazy slow (but could float). But Mario has left a much greater mark in gaming history and is known to just about everyone. You're fantastic. 10. However, mario always has the same intention to save the princess from bowser in his adventure games and shows. No, I am not biased. Here's what they both can do: -Jumps four times his own height into the air, -Almost limitless stamina, takes long periods of time to tire, -Can use a variety of powerups, including ice cannons, growth-shrooms, and jetpacks, -Bad reflexes and slow to react to danger, -Doesn't have any super-forms beyond that of a penguin/racoon/frog suit, which doesn't do very much, -Quills are sharp enough to cut through solid steel, -Can turn into a razor blade that moves faster than sound, -Can shoot energy blasts that have a longer range than Mario's fireballs, -Super Sonic is more powerful than Starman Mario because he can fly, -Can run up walls and ceilings when moving fast enough, -Rings in Sonic games are more common than coins in Mario games, -When holding seven gems, can fly, create forcefields, and give off blinding light at will, -Not a very good swimmer compared to Mario, -Attempting to run too fast while not in Super form will result in loss of powers for about 15 minutes afterwards, -Bad peripheral vision due to interconnecting eyes (ew, one reason I don't want to be the guy). not to mention, sonic's jump attack is really just a supped up version of Mario's jump. they used to be playable and used to show very bright attitudes and displayed a lot of teamwork. Sonic hasn't quite yet achieved the Legendary Status that Mario has. You probably never wanted to play a Mario game because you were afraid of the awesomeness. DivaChipette1, deathding and 2 others like this, It is now official. Mario was revolutionary for its gameplay, you really liked navigating through the levels and getting to level boss. also mario may be chubby but thats way better cuz sonic makes every other person on earth seem fat!!!!!!! he is hooottttt (thats hot not hoot) and his attitude is beastly. Take sonic speed away and he's nothing. Huh. Sonic i way better than mario well evne though the old school game were better then the new ones well Sonic STILL KICKS ASS WETHER HE HAS BAD GAMES OR NOT!!!!!!!!!!! Why can't Mario and Sonic get along. sonic is fun and mario is boring. : P. Well it really depends if you are more a little gamer that hates the awesome stuff (Mario) also Mario games ALWAYS have the SAME storyline, sure Sonic does to, but they change it up, so im with Sonic ALL THE WAY! there's no way that you can drill through robots and run along massive obstacle courses with sonic's type of build, it's just completely unbalanced and the sonic characters look like Nazi death camp victims. and where did those ramps come from anyways?! Arguments with the highest score are displayed first. As everybody knows, this question is the most frequently asked in the gaming community. The other is about a galaxy. mario on the other hand has mario 3d land,mario galaxy,mario kart,new super mario bros for ds and wii.and dont forget the power ups!!! Mario will just jumped on him an squish him to death. and this is from my analysis of Mario's games + plus somebody elses post that has been copied and pasted. PLUS Sonic has 2 shows and a movie! also because he is my fav ppl. Will Sonicend Kirby like he did with Mario? MARIO PWNS ALL!!! MARIO: OHH'A NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I think the whole Sonic vs. Mario argument is totally a one-sided issue. I prefer the Mario layout, to explore and figure out the surroundings, and try to get things and ride Yoshi, oh the funs :') Mario Galaxy II, that was some awesome game. exactly!". Sonic the Hedgehog was finally released on June 23rd, 1991 in the United States, with … The thing about mario is that he kind of singlehandedly saved the budding videogame industry. I think Mario is just showing off. za0068. However, sonic is better than mario because you see more friendly faces and actual people around him, and has a bigger fanbase. Some stuff is missing because of an incident where the file got corrupted, but most of it is there. He would constantly slide above the surface of the water without sinking and wait for Sonic to jump out, quickly firing off a ice ball, which will freeze Sonic, and then Mario could slide towards the frozen sonic, and break the frozen structure into dozens of pieces. If he didn't have them, he has his spines. Was there any doubt that one day Mario was going to have more arguments then sonic mario wins get the picture sonic fans wheres your hero now huh! i hope you mario fans admit it. Your spelling errors debunk your nonsense. sonic and the black night?????????? Mario has better storyline. Enemies that Mario faces is of course, turtles and a king turtle that has spikes on his back... i love sonic so I not going to vote for mario because I hate him so much and sonic is my best thing in then world. the one who has better games such as sonic … I do love a good debate. Sonic: 5 Video Game Heroes He's Faster Than (& 5 He's Slower Than) Sonic may be the blue blur associated the most with speed in video games but there are a handful of characters even faster. Sonic on the other hand can run at super speed slam mario and mario will be dead. For Super Smash Bros. That's lame I mean sonic would kick his butt. so while sonic characters are struggling to get their overgrown heads off the ground, Mario and his friends are saving kingdoms, worlds, galaxies and even the entire universe from the evil clutches of the ever powerful bowser. I THINK SONIC BECAUSE HE HAS BETTER GAMES THAN MARIO MARIO SUCKS DICK SONIC ROCKS AND MOST OF ALL I PLAYED EVERY SONIC GAME IN THE ENTIRE WORLD EXCEPT SONIC XTREME AND SONIC DS SO SONIC 100%, ==========================================, I like the both of them ,but i rather sonic than mario imean all mario does is save peach peach just keep getting stolen by bowser over and over what a slut. Italia you shouldn't be voting for. While Sonic has used those things before as well, he has still proven to be very tough without them. It's a tough battle, but in the end, Sonic will come out on top. A man who can shoot flippin fireballs? Luigi is flat out gay. If Mario had a Quora account his credentials would send up red flags. SONIC FOREVER. Sonic. They both suck but if I have to pick I'll go with Sonic!!!!!!! You forgot the Spindash, Walljump, Boost, Super Sonic Wind, Homing Attack, Spin Jump, Blue Tornado, and Rocket Accel, to name a few. no offense to any mario fans, but sonic way cooler and better because sonic saves the planet from total destruction and has girls all over him while mario save a weak princess who cant even defend herself from somethin u put on a frikin salad. Even if he doesn't, he moves so fast that Mario's bad reflexes won't allow him to dodge in time (and it's REALLY hard to dodge something that's moving at the speed of sound.) Because in the Mario universe, strength always beats speed, whereas speed always beats strength in the Sonic universe. No. Mario is fat. I can't wait for it to come out :), sonic zips zigs zags and is super fast plus i love animals;) sonic is blue i know every character sonic,tails,knuckles,amy rose, nazo,jetthe hawk,omega,honey ,big,froggy,chaos,eggman,eggman nega,shadow,silver,blaze,manik,sonia,robotnik,scratch,grounder,coconuts,fang nic,bark espio,vector,mighty,ray,sally,boomer,rotor,bunny,antoine mecha,sonic,slimmly,and...doh you get the point. sound familiar? For a "rodent type creature" hes pretty more impressive than mario. at least 11 or 12 sonic games, one of them being a collection of all the originals(sonic mega collection), SO THATS ABOUT 18 SONIC GAMES!!!! When my sister and I were little kids, about 3 and 4, we would pretend to be Sonic and Tails and spin around in the bathtub. When you trawl through the annals of each series, though, the more obscure villains of the Sonic franchise may just have a little something more up their sleeves than those of the main Mario series. (mainly talkin bout sonic but mario just the ^_^), sonic totally cause 1. he can turn into super sonic, 3.he can run faster than the speed of sound. Most of the time without any power-ups, mario only jumps, kicks, and squashes animals. In the early Sonic games, Sonic is doing his equivalent of walking. They both are able to run at the speed of sound, canonically. but that stopped after sonic 06 (and we all know how much that game sucked). Every time Sonic tries to escape, Mario comes flying in, ramming him over, and continuously does this till he had drown, and if that method doesn't work, I can imagine Mario using the Ice Flower to freeze the entire ocean or lake, which lets him cross the surface of water by creating hexagonal platforms of ice. And what for? First of all: Sonic can't swim. Sonic is one of the most powerful characters. And sonic still won! At least sonics sexy! Do not dislike just because you hate the character that won. he is as fast as lightning and the characters are awesome and get mad at you if you stop playing and sonic is cool and never gets old. >=3. You can talk about all things Sonic, Starfox, and more around here! At least Sonic can TALK!! The characters in his games are better, faster, and stronger than the mario characters. This also gives him an edge, since Mario can't get his growth-shrooms back if he loses them, unlike the rings. is a series of illustrated prose stories starring Sonic the Hedgehog.The stories were published in the April 1992 - August 1993 issues of Shogaku Yonensei, a Japanese magazine aimed at fourth grade elementary school children, published by Shogakukan. Most of people who play Mario dont even understand a FLIPPIN WORD HE SAYS!!!! (As for if FLash is faster than Superman, I dunno.) but those are rather mediocre and not really good games. But you're fun to argue with. Sonic is ULTIMATE.And mario just runs around all day hitting blocks on his head. plus rings are really just a bland copy of Mario's coins, the difference is the sheer amount of them and that's it. check out the video now. "Mario can jump at least ten feet in the air, can run at 20-30mph and not break a single sweat even though he is only human, he can punch blocks so hard they explode (misconception: people think that Mario hits blocks with his head even though his fist is clearly above his head, indicating that he punches it, don't know why this doesn't work on enemies, but hey, i don't have a problem with it), he also jumps on goombas and causes their innards to spread about in a horrific manner (this is also true), he can throw highly explosive incendiary fireballs at his enemies causing them to explode into ash. It's as simple as that. He can jump extremely high and stomp on enemies! Sonic is the fastest speedy hedgehog alive! 2 comments. Money and women are the most common reasons for murder in the real world, and apparently in the video-game world also: after all, isn't Mario doing it for Princess Peach and a bunch of coins? wait something to tell you. Or will Kirby end Sonic like he did with Majin Buu? Sonic is wayyyy better than mario. I like to play Mario games. Ever, Thats it, end of story, there is no more!! FUCK SONIC FUCK HIM TO HELL FUCK HIM TO DAMN NATION OF MANKIND. 3. Mario would then put on the Frog Suit, enabling him to breath underwater, swim faster with great control, and even utilize the currents. SONIC CAN KICK MARIOS BUTT ANYDAY! mainly due to his name, stupidity and failures. And let's face it, you can't beat that legendary theme song: He is a hedgehog. Sonic isn't as fast as the Flash since DC purposely makes Flash OP-fast, but Sonic is definately the fastest on his world. Also speedfeats is inconsistent and irrelevant for a charecter like Mario. Money and women are the most common reasons for murder in the real world, and apparently in the video-game world also: after all, isn't Mario doing it for Princess Peach and a bunch of coins? And in death battle they screwed him out of all his basic moves,and they greatly reduced sonic & Super sonic's power just so the fight would look cool! Yep, thought so. i mean most mario games are solo adventure and actually give a challenge. Mario is fat,Sonic isn't. The game wars is sonic vs. mario and if i vote for someone i vote for Sonic! but so far, Mario has more and better advantages over sonic. For little children? Brain teasers, puzzles, you name ’em, this very question is asked among many gamers. The debate has gotten the blood of many a fanboy boiling for more than two decades. Metal Sonic: obviously slower than Sonic, since the very concept of his boss battle is winning a race against him. And you deserve to have your account hacked too and thank you for saying sorry. and dosent lose his crap girlfriend every day! When a fast character from the Sonic universe and a strong character from the Mario universe fight, neither can win! I jst told u already I like Mario and sonic why do u keep arguing with me! Like PacMan. I personally like Sonic somewhat better, but please, DON'T go around yelling, "All HUMANS with a BRAIN, HEART and SOUL would KNOW Mario Double Pwns sonic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mario and luigi are ALWAYS together in those games, they are always out for each other and fighting enemies and working together in order to surpass obstacles. sonic can kill mario throw him across the room and shove him in a trash can, Tail can beat lugigi down also! This has always been a struggle for gamers. One of the most mind boggling questions. Just make Mario win already he is the master of the games! (misconception 2: people think that goombas are walking fungus even though they have legs, a lower body, eyes, eyebrows,mouth, teeth and a tongue, they also charge after Mario when they spot him. 5. 4. SONIC MAN!!! (misconception 2: people think that goombas are walking fungus even though they have legs, a lower body, eyes, eyebrows,mouth, teeth and a tongue, they also charge after Mario when they spot him. thats right. He is also a expert in tennis, golf, kart racing, soccer, baseball, skiing, construction working, demoliton, pyrotechnics, plumbing, handywork, tightrope walking, animal training, hockey, medicine, painting, composing, oil spill cleanup, streetfighting, basketball, surfing, treasure hunting and spacetravel. It is sad however that there are those comming close to Sonic speed, there is one character faster than Sonic and that is Super Sonic.-- Mystic Monkey 00:08, 18 March 2009 (UTC) but that's sonic with his beloved chaos emeralds. FAIL BY SEGA AND SONIC, sure if sonic was better maybe he could do something ALONE!!!!!!!!! He is the face and protagonist of SEGA, because he always foils Dr. Eggman's evil plans to destroy the world! For Super Smash Bros. PS Mario rocks, sonic sucks, Nintendo rules, PEACE OUT SUCKAZ!!! mario doesnt have all those abilities, all he has this freakin fire ball and all suckish power ups. Sonic is a hero, are you be dammed to think otherwise. The End. Just saving princess peach. Though his games have failed various times, you did more then bash your skull into bricks. MAYBE, there are not enough Mario supporters here because they're all still in their nappies at nursery. But Sonic did things Mario could never imagine. STOP THIS OUTRAGE!!!!! Throughout every game in the Sonic the Hedgehog universe, there have been a variety of cases where the character has used power-ups throughout his quest similar to his Nintendo rival, Mario. FLAMETHOWER PWNED XD. He can swim underwater easier than before, but is unable to breath underwater. Sonic just never made sense to me...TEAM MARIO, i think shadow is a lot better than mario & sonic the only thing is he is a show off for sonic. Sonic races the Flash to find out who is the fastest thing alive! MMMaaaannnnnnn..... i've been wanting to say that for weeks!! I didn't read the site rules (who does?) 3.Sonic is faster, smarter, cooler,unique, and follows his heart. Sometimes it's okay to have some simple, slow-paced fun. and even though he has had some bad games, seriously, who remembers mario is missing, mario's time machine and hotel mario? Sonic? I respect both games-they are 2 of the classic gaming franchises with FF, Megaman, and Zelda. Sonic is WAY better than Mario. mario charectors dont just lie around and eat cheetos like fin holes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Sonic! Sonic is so awesome. he is three times higher and larger than Mario. Sonic- beat eggman and save the world (depends on the games), Mario- save a princess from a fat dragon (always the same), Ps: don't believe me? As opposed to Mario who just saves one single person out of seven billion, only for her to be kidnapped again about two hours later. I, personally, would NEVER buy a sonic game! The hack includes new text, a campaign for each mode, better settings, and a Sonic who really moves faster than Mario! when a side character get's their own game, the competition is most likely screwed. I am horrified by this injustice in such an important debate. How awesome is that? 2. And what for? of 300 building a army of robots is more realistic than the sonic characters as a WHOLE. Sonic's enemies are more bigger, tougher, and a lot deadiler. He can use various powerups that allow him to send out enormous blasts of fire, fly, drill through the ground, use fast-moving laser attacks, create black holes, etc. If Mario (for some peculiar reason) didn't win, he could turn into a penguin and do the same thing - or restart the level. thats all. Mario. I understand what your saying but its the same thing in each game besides super mario galaxy 1 and 2. i'm not saying that bowser is better than eggman, in fact, i think eggman is BETTER than bowser. Who cares that mario is changing colors Super Sonic is faster and stronger There is no way Mario could defeat Sonic. Because sonic will win. And in death battle sonic won. He is unable to swim, and as a result, Mario has the advantage with his Frog Suit and can breath while in the water with it. lol, most sonic fans are just like pokemon fans, they were supposed to be too old for playing pokemon/sonic, but they keep playing, Sonic........ Really All he does Is run fast and take shits They need to think of more things for for sonic to do. He actually saves the world not just a kingdom. meanwhile, Mario's side characters are getting their own games that receive much better reception. Sonic: never good, created a horrible franchise and bad company. Sonic because he's faster, tougher, smarter, has a cooler personality, and he's the underdog! 1 mario acutally has a life purpose!!!!!!!!!!!! so yeah, the stuff Mario does proves that basically Mario is better than sonic, feat wise.". nintendo sucks. Rainbow Mario: OOOOOOOOOOOH I'M CHANGING COLORS!!!! they even get their own games and have their own adventures. 3. sonic has barely gotten any 10/10's for his games, many of Mario's classic games and recent very good ones have gotten MANY 10/10's both by official critics and by individuals.