Sports have created some of the best motivational speeches ever. We shouldn’t create these restrictions on ourselves. In one of these scenes, my character, Wooderson, I exit screen left to head somewhere, and then I reenter the screen to double check if any of the other characters wanted to go with me. It was not a ticket. It's never late to get words of wisdom. If you do this, you will have accidentally, almost innocently put in front of you what is important to you by process of elimination. Shit again. But this speech right before the opening number of HSM 3 applies to more than the struggle between singing and sports. Independence Day Speech 3 - Short Speech on 15 August. I stared. It’s hard. But what’s it worth in the job market out there today? In Stand Strong Nick gives you strategies for developing a “bully defense system,” so you can handle bullies of all kinds by building your strength from the inside out. And somewhere in my captivation, I heard this little voice inside my head say these words, “All I want is what I can see. Where we believe, where we enjoy the process of succeeding in the places in ways that we are fashioned to. Now, in rewatching the film, and you’ll agree if you know Wooderson, Wooderson is not a guy who would ever say, later, and then come back to see if you were sure you didn’t want to go. Most of us know J.K. Rowling as the author of the Harry Potter series. Do this and let them, let somebody else come up and tap you on the shoulder and say “Hey, you scored.” Let them run up and tap you on the shoulder and say, “You won.” Let them come to you, “You go home now.” Let them say, “I love you too.” Let them say thank you. 10 More Inspirational Speeches from Your Favorite Sports Movies Give others and yourself more credit. 25 Motivational Mantras That Work And we realize that the moment just got bigger than us. I’m not talking about those obligations. Inspiring Speeches and Interviews. If you all remember him, he won the National Championship in ’69, he won a couple of National Championships. And I got back in good graces with my God and I shook hands with myself. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted - for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame. You all remember that? A great acceptance speech that turns into a motivational speech about the importance of 3 things each day: “something to look up to, something to look forward to and something to chase”: Anything that esteemed coach Lou Holtz says, seems to be motivational. It just happened. Soaked in sweat, I [inaudible 00:40:40]. Tim Minchin has a unique sense of humour and this excerpt from his UWA Speech is a great talk about 9 life lessons to motivate and inspire. Number 12. Get that one out of the red. Dissect your successes and the reciprocity of gratitude. Independence Day (1996) - President Whitmore Speech. We don’t always grasp it, hear it, access it. Matthew McConaughey: (38:58) But the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best in you. I thought about what you would want, I thought about what you might need. If you want me to give a 2 hour presentation, I am ready today. Matthew McConaughey: (20:29) A step-by-step plan offers examples and exercises on how to determine and live by a set of values, experiment with failure as a formula for success, and take life beyond set limits Inspiring Movies That Will Motivate And Get You Thinking, 50+ Amazing Quotes To Live By (Funny, Inspiring & Powerful! The right words delivered in the right way at the right time have helped to turn the tide when morale was suffering, when casualties were high and ammo was low. 1992, I got my first job as an actor. Sometimes we do not like what we see. Process of elimination is the first step to our identity, a.k.a, where you are not is as important as where you are. Nothing that we Homo sapien earthlings do is unbelievable. If so, then you’ll love this intense motivational speech. Found insideTold with great humility and optimism, this timeless book provides simple wisdom, practical advice, and words of encouragement that will inspire readers to achieve more, even in life's darkest moments. "Powerful. But first, here is a 19-minute video describing the proprietary structure Patrick developed to write an effective keynote speech and ensure a powerful close. So get rid of the excess, the wasted time. So I’m going to talk to you about some things I’ve learned in my journey. Actor Peter Dinklage, of Game of Thrones fame, provides an inspiring speech about not waiting until you are ready, the possibility of failing, trying again and failing… again. We’ve all got two wolves in us, a good one and a bad one, and they both want to eat. He purged his sins to coach. So give yourself a break. So I got a friend over one Friday night, we’re having a good time and I’m telling her about how happy I am with my setup. Well, those people, those places, those things, stop giving them your time and energy. I check in with them. I mean, that’s the ticket, isn’t it? On a windy day in October 1987, the new CEO of Alcoa, Paul O'Neill, gave his maiden speech to shareholders. But I am here to talk brass tacks. How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking. Maybe you used to wear them 10 years ago, No Fear. For me, that initiation period usually last about 13 days, 13 hellish days until I’m out of my own way. Matthew McConaughey: (03:09) There is only this moment, and the next moment. I mean, I get butterflies every morning before I go to work. And when Larry finished his story and was about to walk away, Coach Royal put his gentle hand on his shoulder and he very discreetly said, “Hey, Larry, you got something on your nose there, bud.” Larry immediately hurried to the bathroom mirror where he saw some of the white powder that he hadn’t cleaned up his nose. Found insideThat man was Rick Rigsby’s father, and this book contains his impactful, far-reaching story—of how a life can be enhanced, of how a corporate culture can be changed, of how a family can be united—by living the simple lessons of a ... I’m in south of New Orleans a few years ago, and I went to a voodoo shop. If I do my job well today, and that movie keeps rerunning on TV, five years from now, I’m getting checks in the mailbox. This list is organized by presenter name and then speech topic. Get over it and get on with it. Let’s admit it. You will find 20 excellent short speech topics below that work when time is limited. I’m settling into camp. Fearless Motivation. •. Choose it because you want it. What do we gossip about? As a huge movie fan, I love this speech and consider it the best sports motivational speeches of all time. You heard my dad played football here and I believe he even graduated from here. I need the respect of my peers. You drank too much last night, you’re too hungover to drive your son to his 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning baseball practice. My other brother, Pat, was in high school in the early 80s. Read the full transcript right here on Al Pacino - Any Given Sunday Speech. Ray Lewis Motivational Speech Transcript 4 years ago. Even the ideological enemies of Adolf Hitler will admit that he was a highly gifted and prolific speaker. I have a dream - just words words. And ask yourself, do I deserve this? The following are excerpts from some of the most memorable speeches that he gave. Found inside – Page 34... the consequent increase of transcription errors). There are other speech resources, recordings from telephone calls, dialogs, digits, short phrases, ... But for most of you, the future is probably still pretty fuzzy. Nobody has ever choked? Who are we to think that we don’t deserve or haven’t earned these gifts when we get them? If you want only a 5 minute speech, it will take me 2 weeks to prepare. He was a friend of mine and a good friend of many people. Now did I find it? It was spectacular. Check your sound though, it is loud! If ever the spirit moves you to do a show in the wilds of New Orleans, you will know it's us - the freaks cheering from the cheap seats. The time it takes to disconnect from the world that we just left and become completely present in the one we are traveling in. Hitler's Speeches. Matthew McConaughey: (11:05) I have. Me, I graduated high school in 1988. You Owe It To Yourself To Be Great - Motivational Speech. That's a mistake, says Daniel H. Pink (author of To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Motivating Others). Matthew McConaughey: (43:00) So I asked the question, what does your college degree mean? I hate that line. I asked myself. No. We just don’t always see it. Found inside – Page 55The speech in Q 6:20–49 is remarkably rich in these regards. ... Even short of a fuller awareness of Mosaic covenantal tradition we can discern the language ... You've got to find what you love. These are the choices I’m talking about. This video has some of the greatest motivation and inspiration from one of the best speakers of our time, Eric Thomas.ONLY the B. I have two older brothers. I never thought about not liking that starched line down the front of my jeans because I’ve never had a maid iron my jeans before. It’s something else. Matthew McConaughey: (42:04) Matthew McConaughey: (26:36) I know who I am. We hope you leverage the text from this motivational speech and the video to get you off your couch, and into the arena of life! Matthew McConaughey: (14:24) If I don’t, I won’t. Originally being a part of the project in which every student was supposed to write a short script which was later to be performed by an actor in front of a green screen, the video went viral and spread all around the world. Watch the following speeches with a pen and notepad. But we all want to succeed, right? Matthew McConaughey: (23:16) It's not easy. Teachers, mentors, the government and laws, they all give us guidelines for which to navigate this life. We have nothing to fear but fear itself - just words, just speeches. I took every moniker that gave me pride and confidence, all the window dressings, the packaging around the product, I discard them all. A short motivational speech is a wonderful thing. These sample speeches will guide you to write good, as well as short speeches. Fake or real, these are some of the most popular motivational speeches from Hollywood! The approach is the destination and we’re never finished. And I say that’s okay. No matter how low you have sunk…. We got commitments, we got deadlines, fix this, do that, plans, expectations, and they all make it hard to get clarity and peace of mind. The the late great University of Texas football coach Darrell Royal. The best way to write a motivational speech that is impactful from start to finish is by studying amazing motivational speeches. In my business, we call it mailbox money. Lou Holtz ‘The 3 Rules to a Less Complicated Life’, 7. He had number one hits and his life was rolling. Below is the full transcript of Never Give Up by Nick Vujicic Listen to the MP3 Audio here: Never give up by Nick Vujicic TRANSCRIPT: Thank you. Now, a few hours later, I woke on this 13th morning to a rising sun, surprisingly, fresh and energized. These inspirational speakers have suffered loss, sickness, and unbelievable hardships, but the one thing that got them through was their desire to win and their belief . Motivational Speeches About Life, Adversity, Fear and Success: . Carefully selected by his grandson, this collection includes all his best known speeches - from his great war-time broadcasts to the "Iron Curtain" speech that heralded the start of the Cold War - and many lesser known but inspirational ... I don’t know. So whether it’s prepping the coffee, make it the night before, so all you got to do is press the button in the morning. The full transcript of Patrick Schwerdtfeger's motivational keynote speech entitled "Go BIG! I stopped. Turn the page. And I guarantee a week won't go by in your life you won't regret walking out, letting them get the best of you. Look, we’re going to make mistakes. And they’re writing me a check for $325 a day. I felt free and light. On January 7, 2016 Matthew McConaughey gave a classic motivational speech at the University of Houston. And there is only one rule you need to now about, there are no second chances. Munich, Gathering of the SA -- Speech of November 9, 1921. I am coming! 20. Some are snippets of the full speech and you can check these out in more detail if they appeal to you. A quick but inspiring acceptance speech from . Other people’s flaws and limitations. You know that group of friends that you hang out with that really might not bring out the best in you? For instance, sometimes say my career’s rolling. Kim Nam-joon BTS 2018 United Nations Speech Transcript 3 years ago. This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you're going to let it be the worst. Let’s get that straight. Motivational speeches tend to discuss serious topics, and great speakers know how to add fun anecdotes or jokes when it is appropriate to do so. So be brave, have courage. Lou Holtz uses his humour to give a speech about his philosophy and the simple life rules he uses to live a happy life. I hate that line. Did I want to stand up here at a podium and read you your rights? Enjoy. This is NOT THE END. I mean, hell yeah, give me more scenes. You got to own them. We hope you get inspired after reading this transcript. Found inside – Page 59This is why rigorous transcription protocols are followed and high ... bilingual speech data, see Turell and Moyer (2008). motivation in short – is most ... Well, it was the night of the 12th day in my 21 day trip. The sudden fame that I just gotten was somewhat unbalancing. It’s too passive. For me myself. Alive and well in the doing of what we’re fashion to do and enjoying. It tastes sweet but you will get cavities tomorrow. It’s a get rich quick on the internet, rich as 15 minutes of fame world that we live in, and we see it every day. Here are a few ways to use motivational speeches. Number six of our motivational speech examples is the shortest on this list, a less than three-minute short film from University of Houston research professor Dr. Brené Brown. I don’t know. Personally, I’ve read a whole lot of my bad reviews. He was embarrassed as much because he felt so disrespectful to coach Royal and as much because he’d obviously gotten too comfortable with the drug to even hide it as well as he should. It’s under construction. Since then, more than four hundred Before I Die walls have been created by people all over the world. This beautiful hardcover book is an inspiring celebration of these walls and the stories behind them. Well you’re in luck. I had this sweet little adobe guest house on the edge of the Saguaro National Park. No matter how bleak your situation…. To actually take it into our daily lives and practice it. Because we’re not looking at the clock. Lastly, if you enjoyed this short motivational speech, then you'll love these other powerful motivational resources: Top 10 Most Motivational Videos Ever! No one else governs these, but you. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Even a short speech can have an incredible, lasting effect on its listeners if it's crafted and delivered the right way. Here we go. Imagine you're on your Famous Speeches and Great Talks. And yes, most things are more rewarding when you break a sweat to get them back. There is always a way to get through your problems. Packing for my continued journey [inaudible 00:42:30]. Mom and dad, since we were young, they teach us things as children. And it’s not our right to say or believe it is. Matthew McConaughey: (05:11) Matthew McConaughey: (24:12) There we go. Matthew McConaughey: (15:13) Now, I’m not saying be in denial of your failures. The crumbs I’m talking about are the choices that we make that make us have to look over our shoulder in the future. Define success for yourself. Number nine. It is in constant approach. Matthew McConaughey: (32:08) Matthew McConaughey: (36:00) Happiness is an emotional response to an outcome. Found inside – Page 200CMU Approach Motivation The original motivation for the CMU segmentation research arose in the context of multimedia ... and often complementary information in the text ( closed captions or speech output ) , audio , and image streams . And they disallow you from creating a customized future in which you do not have to look over your shoulder. United States Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson WIMSA Speech 2017 4 years ago. Thank you for having me. And don’t get paralyzed by denying that they exist and therefore abandoning your need overcome them. So I stripped down to nothing. Traveling towards immortal finish lines, we write our own book. And this is the beauty of delayed gratification. Why? See, happiness demands a certain outcome. Tend to our garden, keep the things that are important to us in good shape. Why they beat themselves? Millions died from diseases every day that we have cures for. We can learn from them too, but only if we look at them constructively, as a means to reveal what we are good at, what we can get better at, what we do succeed at. So, if we do that, if we hear it, if we put ourselves in a place to hear it and we do, and it’s become clear, a truth, natural and infinite, then the second part comes, which is to personalize it. And I got sick. Stay hungry, stay foolish and enjoy your tryst with destiny. They’re adventures, one, but they’re also a purge. Found inside – Page 116If our motivation is to wipe out disparity including the military sphere going way ... feet to make them short enough , or stretch them blue ribbon panel . Answer the following: It’s not a good enough reason to do some. 03 Jan 2008. It was just weird, overall. And if you got one, you had a pretty good chance of getting the kind of job that you wanted after you graduated. Found insideAtomic Habits will reshape the way you think about progress and success, and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habits--whether you are a team looking to win a championship, an organization hoping to redefine an ... I was no longer in a rush to get anywhere. So I try to measure these five things each day. They come in the form of regret, guilt and remorse. And I was full on sick of myself. Now, your answer may change over time and that’s fine. Here is a short speech about making life less complicated. Usually because we’re not in the right place to do so. If you're unfamiliar with this speech, it was given by Bryan Dyson, the former CEO of Coca Cola, as a commencement address at Georgia Tech in 1996. Well in 1996, right after I got famous from the film I did call the time to kill, I headed out on one of these 21-day walkabout, and this time to the jungles in the mountains of Peru. Here are 16 excerpts from the best orations given to key audiences during history's crucial pivot points: 1. 10 Benefits of Sleeping Naked You Probably Didn't Know. The first step is usually, I know who I am not. And by this time, the GED wasn’t enough to guarantee employment. Think about it. Shit. Let me start with the big picture. Say the fear out loud, admit it, give them the credit they deserve. The Oilers were up 28-3 at half time, 35-3 early in the third. Matthew McConaughey: (18:00) Sample Inspirational Speech. Got to have the courage to act on it. But first answer that question. Can you hear me? Tim Minchin '9 Life Lessons'. That was some extra incentive for me to come. Found inside – Page 258A blind segmentation approach is applied [2], where the short-term FFT ... This method aligns the speech with imperfect transcript at sentence-level. I was embracing only what was in front of my eyes and giving everything that justice that it deserved. Because that is how it hits. Yeah, it was badass. You graduated. I was asking myself, what’s the reality in this and what’s the bullshit? The clock is ticking…..LET’S SEE WHAT YOU GOT!!!”. This is not the final chapter of your life. Found inside – Page 160Students will listen to a speech while reading along with their own transcripts. They will analyze the speech's content through analogies, metaphors, ... It’s a constant. Commencement Speeches Speech Denzel Washington commencement speeches to University of Pennsylvania and Dillard . 6 Of The Best Motivational Speeches – All Under 10 Minutes! I like to see whether or not I’m in the debit section or the credit section with each one. You can not grow without struggle. So please think of these as signposts, approaches paradigms, that give some science to satisfaction. And while I’m not here to discourage you, or in any way, belittle your accomplishments tonight, which I’d like to applaud that one more time. 1. Found inside – Page 95It consists of a collection of short episodes (“housekeeping” and ... in turn 1C of the transcript there is the beginning of a motivational speech (“I know ... WHAT'S IN THE BOOK? Learn communication secrets previously known only to a handful of scientists, interrogators and intelligence specialists. But I see how my relationship with my wife maybe could use a little bit more of my attention. You know I’m talking about? Number one, and this should come up on the jumbotron, life’s not easy. When living seems like dead end and then these inspirational terms enables you to forget what provides happened. Twenty One Pilots 'Acceptance Speech 59th GRAMMYs'. Speech at the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. We dissect them so much we end up intoxicated with them to the point of disillusion. Here we go. From the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, Will Smith’s character explains to his young son that he shouldn’t listen to what other people say he can or can’t do and that he should always strive for what he dreams of. From can to want. Filled with practical insights that will benefit any couple, this inspiring book describes a godly courtship and the early years of the Vujicics’ marriage and parenting journey. See, I forgave myself that morning. Frank Reich and the Bills come back to win 41-38 in overtime for one of the greatest comebacks in NFL history. Even the local Sherpas I was traveling with, they noticed calling out to me. I love this one. Here, we provide some sample award acceptance speeches that will help you overcome your shock and surprise, and deliver a good speech. Motivational Speeches About Life, Adversity, Fear and Success: . Forgot the punch line to a joke in front of 4,000 graduating students at the University of Houston commencement. Why? Number 10. They’re yours to steal, they’re yours to share, liken to your own lives, to personally apply in your own lives in your own way should you choose to. I feel immensely honoured to having been given an opportunity to address you all on such a significant occasion and . There you have it, the most intense short motivational speech of all-time! What’s my hill? I also thought about what I want to say and what I need to say. You leave crumbs today, they will cause you more stress tomorrow. Transcript: This Is Not The End - Inspiring Speech On Depression. Matthew McConaughey: (12:43) Be Sincere: If you don't sound sincere, your team would probably no take it seriously. I would argue that our cultural values have even been financialized. The aliens have pretty much conquered Earth. The house, the maid, especially the maid. And when we do this, the race is never over, the journey has no port. I saw them everywhere. The weight that was on my shoulders was lifted, my penance was paid. After two years of grueling practices and never once being apart of the team on the sidelines . Over 100 speeches by Barack Obama. Don’t leave crumbs. A powerful motivational speech will get you thinking and give you the inspiration to tackle the . The stuff that tastes so good going down, it makes us feel like crap the next week, we feel lethargic and we keep putting on weight. Number eight. Take that daily tally. Life’s a verb. Get Motivated! And I was doing a pretty good job of mentally beating the shit out of myself. Matthew McConaughey: (33:42) It was electric, glowing and vibrant, just hovering just off the surface of the jungle floor as if it was plugged into some neon power plant. A limit where we think it’s all too good to be true. I want you to know that, no matter where you are in life…. The film I was on was Boys on the Side and we were shooting in Tucson, Arizona. I know it may be hard right now. Transcript: PRESIDENT . A short motivational speech is a wonderful thing. So how do we know when we crossed the truth? There’s no way around it. I was nervous before I got here to speak tonight. We do our best when our destinations are beyond the measurement, when our reach continually exceeds our grasp, and when we have immortal finish lines. Now, personally as an actor, I started enjoying my work and literally being more happy when I stopped trying to make the daily labor a means to a certain end. Try Rev and save time transcribing, captioning, and subtitling. Did I deserve all this? Wooderson shouldn’t have been there. 2. This famous motivational speech really gets your blood flowing - perfect for watching before you tackle a difficult day.. No, we’re in process. President Trump talked to a group of millennials on Wednesday about the goals of his administration and gives a motivational speech at an 'America's Future Foundation' event. Do not fall into the trap, the entitlement trap of feeling like you’re a victim. The full transcript of Michelle Obama's powerful New Hampshire speech. We all require some motivation from time-to-time in order to have a clearer perspective of our goals. For instance, man flies a suicide jet into the World Trade Center. You can not get STRONGER without resistance. In no particular order, here we go: 1. So let’s flip the script. Found inside“The only stability possible is stability in motion.”—John William Gardner In his classic treatise Self-Renewal, John W. Gardner examines why great societies thrive and die. Again, these are not societal laws and expectations that we acknowledge and endow for anyone other than ourselves. Below is a full transcript of Winfrey's acceptance speech. The more we have, the more successful we are, right? Barack Obama Farewell Address Transcript: . Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, "The Danger of a Single Story" You know what I’m talking about? 15 Most Effective Cool Down Exercises For Every Workout. I have. With this in mind, we gathered some of the best inspirational speeches available on YouTube, delivered by pro athletes, coaches, and even a little kid who dropped some . WHAT ARE AFFIRMATIONS & WHY SHOULD YOU USE THEM? I don’t. It is not. Don’t leave crumbs and the beauty of delayed gratification. Short quotes are very helpful in which bad time. And after that, the whole trip is really fun and smooth sailing. A truly touching speech from Randy Pausch, who knew at the time of this speech that he had limited time left on earth (due to terminal cancer). Congratulations class of 2015. Many of you don ’ t get all macho, and the easiest way to get and. Hungry, stay foolish and enjoy your tryst with destiny in addition sounding. 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