You will be redirected to the full text document in the repository in a few seconds, if not click here. The work in this thesis paves the way for further investigation and realization of deep learning techniques to address critical issues in various novel application fields. IEEE Trans Commun 48(3):416-429. 12 dB and 4 dB were selected for their strong individual SNR selection performance. In particular, selecting the samples with the largest magnitude values leads to the highest classification accuracy at high SNR. For the latter problem, it was found recently that the use of denoising autoencoders is particularly effective. Second, the computations of FNNs can usually be easily parallelized, while it is harder to do so for computations of RNNs, since each time domain step of RNN computation depends on previous steps. considered a GNU radio-based data set that mimics the imperfections in a real The underlying reason is that these modulation types rely on small variations in amplitude and phase, and hence, using input data represented in polar form and an LSTM classifier that can identify repeating patterns of changes could deliver high classification accuracy for these modulation types. In this section, we present various attempts to minimize the training time, by reducing the dimensionality of each vector sample input to the deep neural network classifier. Deep neural networks are a powerful tool for computer-assisted learning and have achieved significant success in numerous computer vision and image processing tasks. The experimental results show that the proposed deep learning framework has been demonstrated to be effective, as the proposed method achieves the accuracy and recall of over 90%. Hsue, “Signal classification using statistical The first compares the likelihood ratio of each possible hypothesis against a threshold, which is derived from the probability density function of the observed wave. Simulation results showed that the BPSK, QPSK, FSK and MSK signals are classified and the ratio of successful recognition is over 90% after 3 dB. CN111431825B CN202010114532.3A CN202010114532A CN111431825B CN 111431825 B CN111431825 B CN 111431825B CN 202010114532 A CN202010114532 A CN 202010114532A CN 111431825 B CN111431825 B CN 111431825B Authority CN China Prior art keywords deep neural network signal classification network Prior art date 2020-02-25 Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Therefore, we aim to provide a research on the most recent techniques which use Deep Learning models for . CoRR abs/1901.05850 (2019) 2017 [c1] view. Our first attempt is to use PCA [33] to reduce the number of dimensions occupied by each of the input vectors. An important aspect to the performance of CRs is automatic modulation classification (AMC): the ability to accurately and automatically determine the modulation scheme of a received signal. Automatic modulation classification (AMC) has been studied for more than a quarter of a century; however, it has been difficult to design a classifier that operates successfully under changing multipath fading conditions and other impairments. QPSK case,” in. A Convolutional Neural This book provides a comprehensive overview of the recent advancement in the field of automatic speech recognition with a focus on deep learning models including deep neural networks and many of their variants. Found inside – Page 49Survey of automatic modulation classification techniques: Classical approaches and new trends. IET Communications, 1(2), ... Machine Learning, 29(2), 103–130. doi:10.1023/A:1007413511361 Fan, R., Zhong, M., Wang, S., Zhang, Y., ... Article Google Scholar 28. 25, pp. More precisely, the ratio of the training time per epoch before the application of PCA or subsampling, to the training time per epoch of after PCA or subsampling, is approximately the same as the ratio of dimensions of the input vector before dimensionality reduction, to the dimensions of the input vector after dimensionality reduction. short-term memory, fully connected deep neural networks,” in, N. E. West and T. O’Shea, “Deep architectures for modulation recognition,” in, T. O’Shea and N. West, “Radio machine learning dataset generation with gnu We start this study by investigating different methods to compress the input data through dimensionality reduction and subsampling in Section IV. shape,” in, L. Mingquan, X. Xianci, and L. Leming, “Cyclic spectral features based Papers With Code is a free resource with all data licensed under CC-BY-SA. In our experiments, an LSTM layer with 50 cells provided the best accuracy. Fast Deep Learning for Automatic Modulation Classification 2019-01-16 Sharan Ramjee, Shengtai Ju, Diyu Yang, Xiaoyu Liu, Aly El Gamal, Yonina C. Eldar Found inside – Page 291Reinforcement learning about , 123-24 agent interaction , 124 ATR , 124 basis of , 123 defined , 54 MDP for ... 215-17 RF digital signals modulation , 212–13 RF - EO fusion systems , deep learning for , 223-24 RF shift keying , 213–15 ... In particular, deep learning (DL) demonstrates significant benefits in computer vision, robotics, and speech recognition. 05/30/2016 ∙ by Harishchandra Dubey, et al. For each considered method for minimizing the training time, we report the results obtained by reducing the number of input vector dimensions by factors of 2k,1≤k≤5. A Convolutional Neural share, This paper investigates deep neural networks for radio signal classifica... The degradation in accuracy due to lowering the sampling rate seems to be closer to linear than PCA and uniform and random subsampling. Other than CNN, all the other neural networks presented in this work are obtained through modifications by either capturing long-term dependencies through LSTM layers , as in the CLDNN and pure LSTM architectures, or by adding shortcut connections between non-consecutive layers to mitigate the vanishing gradient problem and add flexibility to the architecture (see e.g., Recent theoretical attempts to explain deep learning have found it particularly plausible to hypothesize that most of the training time is spent compressing the input data (see e.g., [35]). Found inside – Page 31Ramjee, S.; Ju, S.; Yang, D.; Liu, X.; El Gamal, A.; Eldar, Y.C. Fast Deep Learning for Automatic Modulation Classification. arXiv 2019, arXiv:1901.05850. 34. Xu, Y.; Li, D.; Wang, Z.; Guo, Q.; Xiang, W. A deep learning method based on ... 6 Each convolutional layer in the residual unit uses a filter size of 1x5 and is followed by a batch normalization layer to prevent overfitting. Spatial deep learning for wireless scheduling Note that in the original setup, we used 50% of the data set for training. We sample the input vector at regular intervals and train the architectures based on the subsampled vector. share, We study the problem of interference source identification, through the ... Deep Neural Network Architectures for Modulation Classification, Deep Learning for Interference Identification: Band, Training SNR, and IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern It is interesting to note that one pair of SNR values leads to achieving the highest classification accuracy - among all tested pair choices - for a wide range of SNR values from -6 dB to 18 dB. For LSTM, the classification accuracy is higher with a quarter of the samples than that when using all the samples at high SNR. Automatic modulation classification (AMC) is an important and challenging task that aims to discriminate modulation formats of received signals, such as military communications, cognitive radio and spectrum management. algorithms to reduce the training time by minimizing the size of the training Our results suggest the use of the presented CLDNN and ResNet architectures at low SNR and the LSTM and ResNet at high SNR. Identification using Test SNR Estimates, Ensemble Wrapper Subsampling for Deep Modulation Classification, Blind Modulation Classification based on MLP and PNN, Sequential Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Fast Automatic Prior works have successfully applied deep learning to AMC, demonstrating competitive recognition accuracy for a variety of modulations and SNR regimes using deep neural networks (DNNs). Structure of PyTorch Tabular (Source: arXiv) Wrapping up . 9). This means that the training data contains too much noise and our model was not able to identify the patterns for each modulation scheme. and Fast Automatic Modulation Classification with CNN under Multipath Fading Channels," in 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring). IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 2018. strategies that are solely based on expert knowledge, the proposed data-driven subsampling strategy employs deep neural network architectures to simulate the effect of removing candidate combinations of samples from each training input vector, in a manner inspired by how wrapper feature selection models work. You generate synthetic, channel-impaired waveforms. An important detail to note here is that the order in which the samples appear is maintained, which means that if two samples are collected at time t and time t+t1, where t1>0, then the sample collected at t+t1 must come after the sample collected at time t in the resulting subsampled vector. In particular, this degradation is considerably mild at high SNR. We show the overall accuracy versus SNR results for all models in Fig. Second, the temporal relationships that RNNs attempt to extract are likely to break down either when the sampling rate of the arriving signals is not fixed, or when a dimensionality reduction or subsampling process is necessary for achieving faster learning. Again, this is consistent with the intuition discussed in [30] for sub-Nyquist sampling. Deep Learning-Based Channel Estimation. Training only with the two lowest SNR data yielded low accuracy, similar to the results for the ResNet. we identify representative SNR values for training each of the candidate Matt planted many GNU Radio Conference, Sep 2016. We tested the architecture of [1] and found it to achieve an accuracy of approximately 75% of correctly recognizing the modulation type. Such long training time becomes a bottleneck in online training, where data comes in real time and the training process needs to be done fast. F. Meng, P. Chen, L. Wu, and X. Wang, "Automatic modulation classifica-tion: A deep learning enabled approach," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. We then study Found inside – Page iiThis book bridges the gap between the academic state-of-the-art and the industry state-of-the-practice by introducing you to deep learning frameworks such as Keras, Theano, and Caffe. 0 Interestingly, our proposed CNN architecture requires approximately 60% of the training time required by the state of the art while achieving slightly larger classification accuracy. model for Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) based on long short term memory (LSTM) is proposed. We also investigate subsampling techniques that further reduce the to typical classification accuracy values around 90% at high SNR. Robust and Fast Automatic Modulation Classification with CNN under Multipath Fading Channels Kurs¸at Tekbıyık¨ y, Ali Rıza Ektix, Ali Gorc¸in¨ {, Gunes¸ Karabulut Kurt¨ y, Cihat Kec¸eciz ˙Informatics and Information Security Research Center (BILGEM), TUB¨ ˙ITAK, Kocaeli, Turkey yDepartment of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, ˙Istanbul, Turkey S. We identify three architectures - namely, a The Deep residual Network (ResNet) architecture was introduced in ImageNet and COCO 2015 competitions. In this work, we investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of employing deep learning algorithms for automatic recognition of the modulation type of received wireless communication signals . 67, no. Hsue and S. S. Soliman, “Automatic modulation recognition of digitally The design of this network is based on similar intuition as our CLDNN, namely that LSTM is efficient in learning long-term dependencies in time series data processing tasks. In this letter, a constellation density matrix (CDM) based modulation classification algorithm is proposed to identify different orders of ASK, PSK, and QAM. This book provides a complete overview of the role of machine learning in radiation oncology and medical physics, covering basic theory, methods, and a variety of applications in medical physics and radiotherapy. Automatic modulation classification is an essential and challenging topic in the development of cognitive radios, and it is the cornerstone of adaptive modulation and demodulation abilities to sense and learn surrounding environments and make corresponding decisions. algorithms to reduce the training time by minimizing the size of the training ∙ When packaging data, the output stream of each simulation is randomly segmented into vectors as the original data set with a sample rate of 1M sample per second. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of choosing representative training SNR values, and show that for the considered range of 20 SNR values from -20 dB to 18 dB, choosing a pair of SNR values can lead to benign accuracy degradation (less than 2% for LSTM) with a 10 fold reduction in training time. Transmit Power Control Using Deep Neural Network for Underlay Device-to-Device Communication. However, few studies are devoted to the field of automatic modulation classification (AMC). We identify three architectures - namely, a However, RNNs suffer from several issues when it comes to online learning. As we will see in the rest of this section, this observation holds when comparing any of the subsampling methods considered in this work with PCA. The results obtained by applying PCA to the input of the CLDNN, ResNet and LSTM architectures are given in Figs. We identified CLDNN and ResNet deep neural network architectures that perform best at low SNR, and LSTM and ResNet architectures that perform best at high SNR. For the LSTM architecture, we used a batch size of 400, and a learning rate of 0.0018. 01/16/2019 ∙ by Sharan Ramjee, et al. We select the training data set by combining equi-sized sets, that are randomly selected from each of the 20 SNR values. Recent work considered a GNU radio-based data set that mimics the . ∙ 1-5. . Deep neural network architectures for modulation classification X Liu, D Yang, A El Gamal 2017 51st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 915-919 , 2017 modulation classifier embedded in a real-time spectrum analyzer,”, T. O’Shea, J. Corgan, and T. Clancy, “Convolutional radio modulation Recently, deep learning (DL) as a new machine learning (ML) methodology has achieved considerable implementation in AMC missions. Keywords: signal modulation, radio transmission, deep learning, automatic modulation classification, Page 2 of 29. share, We investigate the potential of training time reduction for deep learnin... Moreover, research on the enhancement of AMC performance under low and high SNR rates is limited. Deep Learning for Physical-Layer 5G Wireless Techniques: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions (2019) Applying Artificial Intelligence in Engineering for Prosperity and Betterment of Humanity We observe the following: At a sampling rate close to the Nyquist rate (1/8 subsampling) and above (1/4 and 1/2 subsampling), magnitude rank subsampling performs worse than uniform subsampling and better than random subsampling in terms of classification accuracies for all three considered architectures. share, Using deep learning neural network architecture to build a AM and QAM signal classifiers. §Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) . Recently, the idea of deep learning has been introduced for modulation classification using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) share. For the CLDNN, ResNet and LSTM architectures that are identified to perform best over different SNR ranges within the range from -20 dB to 18 dB, the training time drops linearly with the dimensionality reduction factor or the subsampling rate, as well as when reducing the number of example vectors in the training data sets through SNR selection. Similar to the way that an acoustic signal is windowed in voice recognition tasks, a sliding window extracts 128 samples with a shift of 64 samples, which forms the data set we are using. M. Alrabeiah and A. Alkhateeb, "Deep learning for mmWave beam and blockage prediction using sub-6GHz channels," preprint arXiv:1910.02900, 2019. We find the basis of the reduced dimensional subspace based on the training data, and then project each of the test vectors on that same subspace. . The highest accuracy of the proposed method in this paper is 93.76% at 14 dB and the average accuracy from 0 to 18 dB with the proposed method is 93.04%, which has . The ResNet architecture is the most robust to dimensionality reduction using PCA, especially when reducing the dimensions by a factor of 8, which delivers an accuracy of approximately 70% at 2 dB. 3. Fast Deep Learning for Automatic Modulation Classification. However, random subsampling actually leads to higher classification accuracies for sampling rates well below the Nyquist rate (1/16 and 1/32 subsampling). Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers . Deep-Learning-Power-Allocation-in-Massive-MIMO: lucasanguinetti / Deep-Learning-Power-Allocation-in-Massive-MIMO: DeepMIMO: A Generic Deep Learning Dataset for Millimeter Wave and Massive MIMO Applications: The DeepMIMO Dataset: Fast Deep Learning for Automatic Modulation Classification: dl4amc/source: Deep Learning-Based Channel Estimation Based on this observation, we use the data sets corresponding to a pair of SNR values in this section, and investigate the existence of a pair that gives a high classification accuracy over a wide range of SNR values. modulation recognition,” in, E. E. Azzouz and A. K. Nandi, “Modulation recognition using artificial neural Get the week's most popular data science and artificial intelligence research sent straight to your inbox every Saturday. Convolutional Long Short-term Deep Neural Network (CLDNN), a Long Short-Term The model trained using -20 dB and 0 dB was able to retain an accuracy above 60% even for high SNR testing, different from the results for the ResNet, which poses the question of whether long-term dependencies - captured by the LSTM layer - could enable distilling useful information from low SNR data sets. This architecture results in a classification accuracy of 88.5% at higher SNR values (above 2 dB). Arxiv:1901:05850, Jan 2019. R. Sahay, R. Mahfuz, and A. El Gamal, “Combatting adversarial attacks " Automatic classification of motor impairment neural disorders from EEG signals using deep convolutional neural networks," Elektron. Recent work Training with -20 dB and 0 dB created an accuracy spike around 0 dB, but then a decaying curve for higher SNR values. modulation recognition of digital signals using wavelet features and SVM,” In this work, we investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of employing deep learning algorithms for automatic recognition of the modulation type of received wireless communication signals from subsampled data. The relatively poor performance of magnitude rank subsampling with the LSTM architecture compared to the other two architectures can be attributed to the loss of temporal correlations that are strongly relevant to the classification task, which could have relied on samples with lower magnitudes. Found inside – Page iiiThe work at the output stage is concerned with information extraction, recording and exploitation and begins with signal demodulation, that requires accurate knowledge about the signal modulation type. recognition networks,” in, K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, and J. for distinguishing between 10 different modulation types [23]. Stay informed on the latest trending ML papers with code, research developments, libraries, methods, and datasets. training time, and pave the way for online classification at high SNR. The second observation above is not applicable to the LSTM architecture, even for the 1/2 dimensionality reduction and subsampling rate. However, training at low SNR values in the range between -10 dB and 0 dB produces the highest accuracy values on testing data in the same SNR range, but not for higher SNR testing data. The recent success of deep learning algorithms is associated with applications that suffer from inaccuracies in existing mathematical models and enjoy the availability of large data sets. CNN models to solve Automatic Modulation Classification problem. received wireless communication signals from subsampled data. [Simulation code] Resource Allocation. 10, 11 and 12, respectively. ∙ The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We perform PCA using all training input vectors, corresponding to the 10 modulation types. We use a magnitude-based subsampling, where first the real and imaginary parts of the samples are used to calculate the magnitudes of the samples. Network (CNN) architecture was then developed and shown to achieve performance It uses the other 12 predictors of the dataset, of which 10 are numerical, and 2 are . Recently, deep learning models have been adopted in modulation recognition, which outperform traditional machine learning techniques based on hand-crafted features. data detection and modulation classification,” 1994. Found inside – Page 19Use Case DL Architecture Purpose Learning Type/Dataset Precision % Ref. ... estimation MLP Automatic modulation classification LSTM Modulation recognition CNN LSTM with ResNet Modulation recognition Radio transformer network Modulation ... component analysis,” Available at: A. M. Saxe, Y. Bansal, J. Dapello, M. Advani, A. Kolchinsky, B. Tracey, and Memory neural network (LSTM), and a deep Residual Network (ResNet) - that lead The results obtained by uniform subsampling of the input of the CLDNN, ResNet and LSTM architectures are given in Figs. We. It is worth noting here that it is straightforward to implement this magnitude rank subsampling for online training, by dynamically adjusting a threshold, and ignoring arriving samples whose magnitude values are below the threshold. digital modulations in broad-band noise,”, P. Sapiano and J. Martin, “Maximum likelihood PSK classifier,” in, B. F. Beidas and C. L. Weber, “Asynchronous classification of MFSK signals As a result, the training time is significantly reduced. A similar phenomenon occurs when testing at low SNR values, and choosing a representative low SNR value for training, which indicates that if we have a good estimate of the range of SNR values, at which the classifier would operate, then speeding up the training time using only the training set at representative SNR values is better than uniformly sampling the training set across all SNR values. . We believe that this opens the door for a line of research that aims at deploying deep learning algorithms for real-time autonomous wireless communications. The architecture of DenseNet is similar to that of a CNN, except for the shortcut connections between non-consecutive layers. 0 At low SNR, CLDNN, and ResNet deliver the best results. on Deep Learning YU ZHOU , (Student Member, IEEE), TIAN LIN , (Student Member, IEEE), . We further make the following observations from the uniform subsampling results: The performance of ResNet and LSTM increase when using half the samples at high SNR. We show that the proposed subsampling strategy not only introduces drastic reduction in the classifier training time, but can also improve the classification accuracy to higher levels than those reached before for the considered dataset. We further show how certain choices for these training SNR values result in negligible losses in the classification accuracy. For the considered range of SNR values from -20 dB to 18 dB, we found that choosing a pair of SNR values for training lead to superior classification accuracies over a wide range of testing SNR values. However, its performance largely hinges upon the availability of sufficient high-quality labeled data. Deep learning has recently attracted much attention due to its excellent performance in processing audio, image, and video data. Modulation recognition may also prove to be an essential capability for identifying the source(s) of received wireless signals, which can enable various intelligent decisions for a context-aware autonomous wireless communication system. aut... Found insideAs a comprehensive and highly accessible introduction to one of the most important topics in cognitive and computer science, this volume should interest a wide range of readers, both students and professionals, in cognitive science, ... For example, reducing the dimensions by a factor of 2 leads approximately to halving the training time. The accuracy, in this case, drops significantly for SNR values higher than 0 dB. 1 shows a high-level framework of the data generation. Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC), which monitors the RF spectrum for different modulation schemes, is a key part of this. This architecture achieves an improved classification accuracy of 86.6% at high SNR. Published in IEEE Machine Learning for Communications Emerging Technologies Initiatives (MLCETI), 2019. We first notice that for all considered architectures, the training time drops in a linear fashion with the reduction of dimensions. 16, 17 and 18, respectively. We derive insights for the impact and optimal designs of each of these methods. These consist of BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, QAM16, QAM64, BFSK, CPFSK, and PAM4 for digital modulations, and WB-FM, and AM-DSB for analog modulations. 160,000 samples generated using the GNU-radio library developed in [29] are segmented into training and testing data sets through 128-samples rectangular windowing processing, which is similar to the windowed continuous acoustic voice signal used in voice recognition tasks. Based on the fused features, a probabilistic neural network (PNN) is designed for automatic modulation classification. Recent work considered a GNU radio-based data set that mimics the imperfections in a real wireless channel and uses 10 different modulation types. 2020. 05/10/2020 ∙ by Sharan Ramjee, et al. Further, our results suggest the use of PCA to reduce input dimensions for faster training at low SNR, and subsampling based on sample magnitude values at high SNR. architectures, and consequently, realize drastic reductions of the training architectures, and consequently, realize drastic reductions of the training data set, while incurring a minimal loss in classification accuracy. architectures, and consequently, realize drastic reductions of the training deep learning classifier, our system achieves better accuracy with lower computational requirements. Training with high SNR data produced better overall accuracy and the 8 dB training data set led to the highest overall classification accuracy. ∙ Unlike uniform subsampling, where the input vector is sampled at uniform intervals, random subsampling attempts to sample the input vector at random intervals in time and train the architectures based on the subsampled vector. The RNN structure is suited for modulation classification, because it can extract temporal relationships from the input waveform. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing . Recent work considered a GNU radio-based data set that mimics the . Add a We believe that this is an effect of the oversampling of the training input (see Fig. Recognition (CVPR), L. Huang, A. D. Joseph, B. Nelson, B. Rubinstein, and J. Tygar, “Adversarial We also compare the obtained results for each of the three architectures with those obtained by training using the training data set at the single SNR value that gives the highest average classification accuracy (identified in Section V-A). Residual Networks (ResNet) [24] and Densely Connected Networks (DenseNet) [25] were recently introduced to strengthen feature propagation in the deep neural network by creating shortcut paths between different layers in the network. Presentation of the 20 SNR values is shown in Fig classify an intercepted signal #! Is then processed by another deep learning ( DL ) as a result, the accuracy curves are not to! And applications a few seconds, if not click here much attention due to excellent... Data detection and modulation classification ( AMC ) in negligible losses in the research community and the layers... 3 seconds per epoch before neurons, in this work, we continue line! 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