Principle 2 Moral commitment to a vision of inclusion – explicit expectations regarding inclusion embedded in institution wide practice. Conclusion. Found inside – Page iiThis open access book offers pioneering insights and practical methods for promoting diversity and inclusion in higher education classrooms and curricula. 3. Policing is the defense of communities, the duty of making . Probing questions challenged us to ‘see’ what we are missing; to ‘hear’ what we are currently not attuned to; and to ‘feel’ or empathise with those from an Australian Indigenous background who often feel unseen and disregarded. Opening eyes to vision impairment: Inclusion is just another way of seeing, 9. Found inside – Page 14The chapter begins discussing the concepts of diversity and inclusion within the wider ... In the conclusion, the author presents the challenges involved in ... The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion CertificateAccelerate your career with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Certificate. Per a recommendation from the Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan subcommittee, this campus-wide group will advise President Crawford on matters related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. In Chapter 7 Susan Carter and Mark Creedon argued that schools in Australia and internationally need to continually probe what inclusion really means in a rapidly changing global context, where the rate of migration is exponentially increasing as more people with limited or no English speaking skills seek asylum. The Concepts of Diversity and Inclusion. change takes place. 1100 South Marietta Pkwy Marietta, GA 30060, Privacy Statement / Accreditation / Advisories / Reporting Hotline / Open Records / Human Trafficking Notice / Feedback / Text Only. Thus the authors took care to use terminology that would not offend others, but acknowledged that even as they wrote, they might have inadvertently used words that could be considered offensive by some even though these same words are accepted by others as respectful. In an organisation, diversity comprises many dimensions outside gender and race. Chapter 4 for example, viewed inclusion as a celebratory characteristic of early childhood education encompassing individual differences such as culture, language, location, economics, learning, abilities and gender. Found inside – Page 516.3.4 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION How can VisBuddies be used to foster diversity and inclusion at VIS? ... CONCLUSION 51 Diversity and Inclusion Conclusion. Organizations and companies are challenged to understand how they can respond to their employees' needs for safety and Upon conclusion of the interview cycle, we will: During rank meeting, consider candidates' ability to lead/work in diverse teams and be conscientious community members Utilize a model used by Stanford's diversity advisory panel (DAP) in which all URM candidates are reviewed by equity liaisons who advocate for intentional diversification. Diversity is broad, complex, multileveled, intersectional, and dynamic. Chapter 5 advanced the concept of patient centred care to confront notions of power, voice and agency which has potential to shape ‘outcomes’ for those on the ‘margins’; to imagine the implications for society of positive identity constructions for individuals; and to highlight a way of working that facilitates the creation of shared cultures and a place where all can feel safe and included. What kinds of diversity exist in a business? The pace of change in political, social, cultural, scientific, technological and digital contexts is unrelenting, so much so  that concepts of diversity are constantly changing form and shape,  often as a result of emerging collisions between cultures; increased understandings generated by changing scientific and technological advancements; and the need to respond to shifts in power and politics. Positioning ourselves in multicultural education: Opening our eyes to culture, 7. Why is understanding diversity important to a business? In 1990 the college established the first minority affairs position in the Kentucky Community . Woven together, these different perspectives disclosed six key themes to help us understand and reconceptualise the ways we see diversity and embed inclusive practice. In this case, it would be freshly embracing a fresh or new commitment to diversity and inclusion. 6. A second theme acquainted us with the concept of ‘super-diversity’,  which results from  an era of rapidly changing conceptions of diversity arising from the increasing change, dislocation and disruption occurring in contemporary spaces and places. With these stats, you can see why you should make diversity and inclusion top priorities at your company: D&I initiatives make workplaces smarter and more successful, while also contributing to increased job satisfaction, employee retention, and revenue. Chapter 3 challenged our pre-conceived ways of thinking and engaging with others by reflecting on personal and possibly confronting experiences; by bringing an open mind to the concept of diversity; and by engaging with scenarios with respect, tact and integrity. Ableism is a bias against people with disabilities (Beaudry, 2016). Diversity & Inclusion Certificate. Aside from being simply the right thing to do, savvy executives understand the many benefits of a diverse workplace and know that it's part of improving the employee experience. Finally, any diversity initiative should be campus wide. Promoting inclusiveness and diversity within the workplace is one of the best ways to foster an open-minded, global company culture. 8. Found inside – Page 44diversity and inclusion in their missions. ... Conclusion: Practice. Points. for. Supporting. Diverse. Students. with. Disabilities. The inaugural MCCA/RRA Inclusion Index makes it clear that more work remains. 33-55). The first theme to emerge related to intrinsic complexity and multifaceted nature of diversity. Inclusion also means having a thorough understanding of individual strengths, challenges and needs that are directly connected to knowledge production, institutional structures, and to the social and relationships within the wider community, society and nation-state. Chapter 2, for example explained, how negative assumptions held by others can exacerbate the interaction challenges for children who are ‘different’ in some way. Penn has a number of policies and initiatives that support its efforts to foster inclusive excellence. This not only makes good business sense but it also helps to better understand colleagues and patients. Principle 5 Professional targeted student-centred learning – professional learning for teachers and support staff informed by data identified need. Found inside – Page 103The inclusion of diverse employees is not simply something that is 'nice' to ... inclusion at an Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace 103 9 Conclusion ... As such, the Task Force recommends the Found inside – Page 230230 Conclusion Achieving equity as a central organizational goal is far more ... Moreover , diversity , equity , and inclusion challenges will always exist ... Please post your responses to . How well diversity in family structure is represented at an administrative level is also important to parents. Summary. Whether the goal is to launch a new diversity and inclusion effort or The word diversity has a number of meanings depending on the context of the . Found inside – Page 160Conclusion. Inclusion is a concept that is difficult to understand owing to a wide range of definitions and interpretations. This term provokes strong ... Although it is not inclusive of all possible recommendations, Chapter 1: Introducing the key ideas by Lindy Abawi applied a critical orientation to reflect about the meanings of diversity and inclusion. Even though diversity in the healthcare, science, and technology workforce has been recognized as critical for the advancement of patient care and scientific research agendas, there continues to be a significant lag in the areas of inclusion, equity, and access, especially for women, underrepresented minorities, LGBTQ+ persons, and persons with . Found inside10 The Gendered Nature of Policy Utilization Coworker Support Conclusion ... and Reintegration Conclusion References Supporting Diversity and Inclusion in ... Found inside – Page 90(2005) but reached similar conclusions – about the difficulty of drawing clear ... Factors in successful inclusion With the consistent conclusion from ... E50097040.CU1532 - CU1532 - Promote equality and inclusion in health, social care or children.s and young people.s settings Performance Criteria (PC) 1. A sustained commitment to diversity, equity, The paper "Diversity and Inclusion" is an exciting variant of the essay on human resources. 552 Words3 Pages. Diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. The purpose of this assignment is to submit a literature review/discussion pertaining to a list of research findings. the campus will be provided with annual reports on institutional progress towards A person's perceptions of equity, inclusion, and diversity directly affect ethical decision making. Your responses can be uploaded at the website: This outcome personifies and exemplifies a co-construction of knowledge in an on-going and reiterative process of collective learning. For example geographical location can affect any and all of the above, as can levels of adversity, historical or circumstantial, which may have impact on an individual, a family, a community, a country or a people. 552 Words3 Pages. Exploring the Benefits of Classroom Diversity and Inclusion Diverse schools feature differences in ethnicity, socioeconomic class, religion, reading level, athletic ability, background, gender, personality, and much more. The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace - 20 Key Statistics. At its heart, this text requested you to consider your own learning, work or social context and  the extent to which the principles explored in each of the chapters are applicable and evident. The chapter cautioned however that the cost of caring was a pragmatic consideration that educators face, and that strategies need to be consciously actioned in order to engage community help and create a sense of hopefulness. Diversity and inclusion discussions have traditionally focused on creating equal opportunities for everyone, especially those in the minority based on gender, race, sexual orientation, and/or disability. What are three ways to handle conflicts at work which may result from diversity issues? Identify types of cultural conflict. Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter. Found inside – Page 322In order to avoid the pitfalls and reap the benefits of a diverse workforce, employers need to adopt a broader vision of inclusion, a vision that ... . The purpose of this paper is to present a job description for the position of the Diversity and Inclusion Specialist as a dream job, design a compensation plan, propose a performance appraisal program, and provide reasons for these choices. Found inside – Page 132Conclusion. Diversity and inclusion initiatives help foster the values of the liberal arts. One of the important features of a liberal arts education is ... (2018). On the other hand, inclusion refers to the process of putting in place programs or conditions that allow all the cultures represented in a given common setting to coexistence. Chapter 5, Fostering first year nurses’ inclusive practice: a key building block for patient centred care by Jill Lawrence and Natasha Reedy advanced the concept of patient centred care, a theoretical perspective advocating a care approach that considers the whole person and guides nurses to cultivate an inclusive care practice in ‘becoming’ a Registered Nurse. Chapter 1 expanded our views of diversity, introducing us to the importance of understanding the lived experiences of people with physical attributes different from our own, for example those related to race, birth characteristics, sexual characteristics, age, diagnosed (dis)ability, injury as well as differences related to sexual orientation, gender, mental health, autism, socioeconomic status, family structure and cultural affiliation. This report will therefore serve 3. It outlines and summarizes the recommendations made by the task force formed for this purpose. A fourth, powerful theme emerging from the theoretical perspectives is the power of silencing. The purpose of this assignment is to submit a literature review/discussion pertaining to a list of research findings. The chapter referred to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and its principle that all children have the right to feel accepted and respected through the provision of fair, just and non-discriminatory education and care for children. Chapter 4, Opening eyes onto inclusion and diversity in early childhood education, by Michelle Turner and Amanda Morgan, adopted a holistic approach to diversity and advocated that it be promoted as a strategy for educators working in contemporary early childhood settings. Recruit, retain and promote from a diverse, group of candidates to increase diversity of thinking and perspective. . We all are differently unique and each one of us has certain weak and strong points. What do you see as the most challenging aspect of a diverse working environment. I. Found insideConclusion. Sophia. Dimitriadi. Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced James Baldwin Writer Diversity is ... Found inside – Page 24In particular, management have a role to play in creating inclusion, much like they do in championing diversity. While what constitutes inclusion is ... Principle 1 Informed shared social justice leadership at multiple levels – learning from and with others. Figure 10.3: Photograph of Bridging the distance, by Marija Zaric on unsplash. Diversity and inclusion is a company's mission, strategies, and practices to support a diverse workplace and leverage the effects of diversity to achieve a competitive business advantage. Chapter 4, Opening eyes onto inclusion and diversity in early childhood education, by Michelle Turner and Amanda Morgan, adopted a holistic approach to diversity and advocated that it be promoted as a strategy for educators working in contemporary early childhood settings. Those that work to foster diversity and inclusion will see significant financial gains as they maximize the potential of every employee and understand the unique needs of their customers. Conclusion and Look Ahead. that manages Diversity Do they have a website link for Diversity & […] The What are the Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Public Relations. Diversity and inclusion have been coupled for the last 40 years, but the underlying fact is that diversity and inclusion are not the same. In essence the chapter affirmed that inclusion encompasses the Universal Design for Learning approach where planning takes into account multiple means of representation, multiple means of engagement and multiple means of action and expression. Suggested Citation:"Chapter 8 Conclusion."National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Inclusion goes beyond diversity, to recognize that people from diverse . The legal industry has been in search of diversity for many decades. One of the key aspects of diversity and inclusion is that . This requires commitment from every level of the organization to be successful, starting at the top. In Chapter 9   Melissa Fanshawe, Lindy-Anne Abawi, and  Jillian Guy reinforced how we need to acknowledge and purposely address the needs, beliefs and histories of Australia’s First Nation people. Our latest report shows not only that the business case remains robust but also that the relationship between diversity on executive teams and the likelihood of financial outperformance has strengthened over time. Figure 10.3: Photograph of Bridging the distance, by Marija Zaric on Unsplash, Figure 10.4: Photograph of Community, by William White on unsplash, Opening Eyes onto Inclusion and Diversity, Figure 10.1 Photograph by Oliver Cole on Unsplash. Found inside – Page 137How would you rate the issues of inclusion and diversity in Greece? ... In conclusion, we would suggest that the vulnerable student sub-groups ... Conclusion. Roadmap for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging | 1 Executive Summary Carey Business School's Roadmap is an aspirational strategic plan for improving diversity equity, inclusion, and . by William Sloane Coffin, Jr. Conclusion. It is evident from the information provided above that we should celebrate and valve our diverse . SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS (SEN), INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY IN THE CLASSROOM COURSE INFORMATION. As a leader, it will be my ultimate objective to develop a platform of diversity and inclusion in order to engage the . This theme reverberated from the recognition that many differences continue to remain unseen and unheard, resulting in individuals and groups who feel invisible and believe that those around them are blinded to their needs. Found inside – Page 120Conclusion. 8. When we began researching for this book it became apparent that there was very little published material that solely addressed the issues of ... Found inside – Page 51Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity: The intentional engagement with diversity ... together is useful High-impact Inclusive Learning Organizations 51 Conclusion. We seek your assistance to  co-construct knowledge of ways of being inclusive and catering for diversity . No matter the reason there are many individuals in society and in our education settings who are unable to voice their diverse ways of knowing and thinking,  as they are often marginalised from mainstream views and approaches. We're proud of the progress we've made and we're motivated by what's still to come. Finally Chapter 8, Opening eyes onto diversity and inclusion for students with vision impairment by Melissa Cain and Melissa Fanshawe, used critical pedagogy to reimagine the educational, physical and social impacts of vision impairment and to design curriculum opportunities for students with vision impairment. Such articulation can focus on teaching, research, or service, or all three factors. The Office of Diversity & Inclusion envisions a college that is supportive of all perspectives, cultures, and differences. . From all the above discussions, we can conclude that Emotional Intelligence Drives Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). 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